Chapter 5

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*Luke's P.O.V*

I opened my eyes to be in an unfamiliar place. My eyes scan across the plain, boring room. Where was I?

Soon a door opened and a man in a white attire approached my bed, a clipboard in hands.

"Ah, Lucifer. You're awake," he spoke, flashing a smile in my direction.

"It's Luke," I mumbled.

"Right, Luke," he repeated. "How you feeling?" He added.

I shrugged, not knowing who this man was.

"W-where am I?" I spoke up.

"You're in the hospital. YoU tried committing suicide yesterday," he answered.

I nodded my head slowly, memories of the other day flooding back to me. Looking at the wall, there was a clock hung on it.

10:03am it read. It was Monday. Shit, I needed to go to school. My parents will kill me if they found out I wasn't there. Wait, how did I even get to the hospital.

"You're parents found you. although they didn't seem to be too interested in the subject. Is there something going on between you and your parents?" the doctor spoke up.

I must have said that last part out loud. "Oh no, everything's fine with them. They were probably just shocked to say the least," I quickly replied, trying not to stutter.

He seemed to have bought it as he nodded his head. Good job Luke. The doctor told me I could be checked out right away and take a week off of school to recover from everything.

My wrist were bandaged and I had to change them everyday, which seemed like it would be quite annoying. And my parents hide all the pills and razors away from me, or anything I could use to cut.

They thought they got rid of all of them, but I keep some in my bag.

--Time Skip--

The week went by quickly and the next thing I knew I was standing in the crowded hallway once again.

I made my way to my locker and to my first class, bumping into a few people. Thankful I didn't run in to Michael.

At lunch I sat alone, and continued on with the day. Once I was home, I kicked off my shoes, laying down on the couch. I didn't have any homework, which I was surprised.

I didn't want to be home with nothing to do, so I decided to leave. Telling my parents, they didn't care what I did, so I simply left. Walking down the sidewalk, I could smell the freshness in the air. It had rained earlier, so the ground was still a bit wet here and there. The air was damp, but it was relaxing.

I walked all the way to the park. Not being able to sit on the swing because it was wet, I decided to go to the waterfall. Once I was in the forest, I heard a twig break. I snapped my head around, looking behind me. But there was nobody. Shrugging it off, I continued on.

Reaching the waterfall, and instant smile spread across my face. It was just so beautiful, you can't help but smile. It's almost like when there's that one thing in your life that always makes life worth living.

I spotted a boulder that was fairly dry, sitting down on it.

"Luke?" I heard a voice ask from behind me.

It was him.

" did you k-know I was here?" I asked, worry laced through my voice.

"I followed you," he stated.

I gulped down the lump that was building in my throat. I didn't know what to respond to him. Knowing that no matter what I said, he's probably kick my ass anyways. So instead, I waited for him to continue, or just leave.

"You weren't at school for a whole week," he spoke, his voice low.

I've never seen him like this before. He's always been tough and loud. He would've normally kicked the shit out of me already and be gone. That's all I'm here for. I'm a human punching bag to him and everyone around me.

"I know," I whispered, looking straight at him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Why do you care?" I replied.

"I thought you died," he mumbled.

"Nearly," I answered, fiddling with my fingers.

"What do you mean?" he asked, taking a few steps closer.

I back up on the boulder, trying not to fall off.

"I was in the hospital...because I tried to kill myself," I mumbled, hoping he didn't hear the last part.

When I heard him gasp, I knew he had heard.


So like three updates in a row. Was like chapter good? or was it crap?

And a big thank you for 600+ reads. When I first started this book I though I wasn't even going to get 200 and then BOOM magic.

Anyways if like to thank all of you for reading and voting for this story. It means a lot💖




I love all of you guys☺️

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