Chapter 2

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*Luke's P.O.V*

I looked down at the ground beneath my feet, kicking the grass lightly.

It was now nearly 10:30pm, so I decided to make my way back home. Even though it was the weekend, I didn't want to land up sleeping in.

Standing up from the swing, I walked back to the apartment that I called my home.

Arriving at the building, I groaned. I walked up the long, narrow staircase.

Opening the creaky door, I trudged inside the living space. I lunged myself onto the couch, also my bed.

Pulling the small sheet of fabric that is considered a blanket, I draped it over my curled up body.

I sunk into the couch, literally. Sighing, I closed my eyes, trying to find sleep.

Sooner then later, I was falling into a black pit of rest.

--Time Skip--

I was woken up the next morning by my name being screamed. Groaning, I opened my eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them.

I untangled the blanket from around my body, sitting upright on the couch. I looked up, only to be met with a pair of tedious eyes.

"Get the hell up you idiot, you have to go to work!" my mother wailed at me.

Nodding my head, I stood up quickly, making my way to where my clothes were. I picked up my work uniform, walking off in the direction of the bathroom. That is, until my father stepped in the doorway, blocking my entrance,

"Can you please move?" I asked as politely as I could.

"You don't have time to shower," he stated.

"May i get dressed in there then?" I questioned.

He simply shook his head. I sighed, truning away from the bathroom. My mother was now gone and my father was somewhere in his room. Being alone, I took this as my chance to change.

Once I was dressed and ready, I left as soon as I could. y father surley wouldn't care if I said goodbye or not.

Walking down the trashed, small end of town, I made my way to the local super market. I honestly hated this job, but i was forced to work. The worst part is, is that i dont even get any of the money i make, my parents keep it all to themselves. Thats the only reason they wanted me to get a job.

They think im worthless for everything in life, so why not at least give them something for being worthless right? I mean, they're not wrong, I am worhtless, and a lot of other things, but i don't like talking about that.

Realizing I was now in front or the super market, I let out a groan. I walked in front of the doors, them sliding open at my presence.

As soon as I walked into the work place, I was greeted by that friendly smile. Ashton.

Ashton had always been a good friend. If you could consider him a friend. We talked when we were put in a room together, or saw each other in town. But we never talked outside of that.

He game me a small wave, acknowledging my existence. In return of the kind gesture, I flashed him a small smile. A fake one, but he didn't know that, nobody knew that.

I walked my way to the cash where I was always, setting everything up.

Around half an hour later, the store opened and people began to flood in.

--Time Skip--

The day went by fairly fast, which I hated. Now I must arrive at the shitty apartment and face my parents.

They know I got payed today, and they will be there, waiting for me to get home with my pay check.

And oh boy was I ever right, as soon as I set foot through that doorway, they were jumping up and lunging at me.

Handing them my pay check, I kicked off my worn out shoes.

"You might want to go to sleep now, you're going to be up early searching for places to work," my father spoke up.

"What? Why? What's wrong with where I am now?" I asked, slightly confused on this topic.

"You're not getting enough money, we need more money," my mother interjected.

"No. We don't need more money. You two need more money. So that you can spend it on stuff for yourselves! I never see a dollar of the money. The money that I work for!" I responded, I had had enough with them.

The next thing I know, I was laying on the hard, cold ground, clutching my jaw. I scampered up, grabbing a torn sweater, and my bag I bring everywhere. I shoved my shoes back on my feet, walking out the door.

My parents did not say anything, therefore, I knew it was okay. They didn't want me around anyways. They never do. No one ever wants me around.

Hell, I don't even want myself around.


So. That's chapter two. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter c:

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's reading this story. I'm so shocked at how well it's doing. I have a book with 10 parts, and it has 200 reads. And then this book with (at the time) only one chapter, nearly the same amount of reads. That's amazing!

I'm quite proud actually.

So thank you guys for the comments, votes, and just the reads. It really means a lot to me.

I love all you guys c:

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