twenty two

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joey and i have been laying on the sofa for an hour

joey won't pay attention to me i've tried talking to him i tried giving him a massage


he still just won't talk to me

"joey i'm fucking serious why the fuck you ignoring me?"i ask

still nothing

"joey"i whine and hold his face in my hand

"WHAT DID I DO?!"i yell at him and stand in front of the tv

"fine be like that see if i'll give a fuck anymore"i get pissed and grab my phone

"hello? uhhh yea i'll be right there"i smile and stand up

"who the fuck is that?"joey grabs my phone


"baby it's a prank the camera is over there"he laughs and points to behind the tv

"stop joey that's not funny"i whine he stands up and hugs me lifting me

"i was so worried i did something" i cry in his chest

"i'm sorry baby"he hugs me

"i'm mad at you"i say and let go of him

"oh are you what are you gonna do about it?"he laughs at me i pull away from the hug

just wait and see u pussy thot

"baby don't be mad"he laughs pulling me by my arm

"leave me alone i wanna go to sleep"i say and get into bed

"i love you"he says

"ok"i say

"my god are u actually mad?"he asks

"yes"i say    

i go to sleep till i hear joey on the phone

"oh um yea she's asleep"

ok that's whatever

"i'll be right over"

ok now that's sus

"uh huh i love you too"

ok claud we got to get our man back in his game

"i'll see u in a bit"he says and hangs up

whatevaaa it's prolly his mom or some shit

what if it's not his mom

"baby i need to go" joey says

"where are you going"i ask

"toms house"he says

ok unless joeys gay i should be worried

he said i love you

joey says that shits gay

"ok"i say and get out of bed getting dressed too

"where you going?"he asks

"mads house" i say stubbornly

"ok i'm gonna go bye" he says and leaves

i call mads

"look i know you mad and shit i will fill u in on the tea on the way now get to ass ready we have a possible code red"i say she gasps

"i will be out side in five minutes"she says i get in my car and go get mads we get in my car

u see when ur boyfriend has cheated on u well u know what to do..

you put a tracker in his phone

i sound so crazy

"check where he is"she said i open my phone and check

"he is not at toms house"i say

"where is he?"

"i dunno let's find out" i say and drive to the location

i see a family house

this isn't joeys house

"who lives here"mads whispers to herself and thinks

"let's find out"i say and knock on the door

a really pretty girl opens the door

she looks me up and down

"do i know you?"she asks

"no. is joey there?"i ask

"oh joey yea he's upstairs i can call him"she smiles

"joe"she calls

only i can call him joe

"so how do you know him..?"i ask

"dylan, well we've been friends forever i think he's had a crush on me our whole lives"she giggles

"claudia, i'm his girlfriend"i say her smile drops

joey comes down he looks at me

"claudia"he says

"who is she?"i ask

"she's just a friend"he says

"were sabrina and stasis just friends too?"i ask

"look baby"he says going to grab my arm

"no joey! i can't believe you! again?! landon would be fucking disgusted of you! what type of role model would have been?! i can't believe i just kept going back to you!"i scream

"um" dylan say

"we should leave them"mads says and her and dylan leave

"look you just changed after landon you don't wanna do shit and i'm fucking pressed too but we have to move on claudia"he says

"MAYBE I DONT WANT TO DO SHOT BECAUSE IM SCARED IM SCARED JOEY! WHAT OF THIS HAPPENS TO ALL MY KIDS?! so no joey YOU! have to move on there is no more we" i say

"claudia come on baby i love you" he says grabbing my arm

"no joey and i hope you know i would have been better off it was jacks kid"i say

"don't say that c'mon we can make it, dylan is just a childhood friend of mine"he says

"then why did you say you were going to toms house?"i ask

"because i knew you would act like this"he says

"do you know why i act like this? because i can't fucking trust you anymore" i say and walk out of the house walking to my car braking down into tears mads comes in and i tell her everything start to finish

"i'm so fucking sorry i wasn't here when you needed me"she was crying too

we go home and watch sad movies and listen to sad songs bc when you're sad you don't want to be happy you just want what's making you sad to be fixed or gone and in this case i wish joey was a good fucking person and that i could trust him


ive been so motivated to write but i just never do man

b u t

i'm going on a road trip to kalahari pa (biggest indoor water park in north america) and skipping school

i live in ny so it's like

1-3 hours depending on traffic

y a y  m e

and i'm either gonna write sm on the ride there or not write at all


if u guys hit 50 votes

and i don't update

i'm swimming my ass off and will not be able to get to my phone 🖤


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