Skinny Love VIII. (Zayn Malik Fanfic)

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The infamous duo stayed in a family owned hotel on the outskirts of Zayn’s native city. The whole night, Zayn apologized for his father’s actions and tried to comfort Jessica. No matter how many times she said she was fine, Zayn saw the dullness in her eyes. He saw the damage that was done. When he told her how much he loved her, he didn’t see that twinkle in her eye that ignited his senses. He saw a pit of nothingness as she repeated the words back to him as if she was on auto pilot. While he had no doubt that she loved him, he had no clue what she was thinking. Previously in their relationship, they could tell you what the other was thinking and feel each other’s pain without question. It was moments like these that he wished he could go back in time and get that connection back. Everything was moving so fast and he wasn’t sure how she felt. She wanted to marry him, no questions asked, but the guilt was getting at her.

As Zayn drifted off to sleep, Jessica scanned through her Twitter mentions and a couple of emails. Most were the gays congratulating her for her relationship, but there were a couple calling her nasty names and telling her how she didn’t deserve him. Truthfully, she never believed that she did. It felt as if they were only confirming her beliefs. The death threats, the disapproval, the hate broke her into even more pieces than before. She gazed down at the ring, the ring that she waited forever for. Was it the right time? She logged off of Twitter and sat in a trance. Jessica read through her emails and saw that she was due to France the day after the next. She emailed her assistant back, desperately trying to escape the hell that she was in psychologically.

How about I arrive a little early?

The next flight is in two hours.

Pack my bags and send them to the penthouse. I’ll be at the airport in an hour.

What about Zayn?

There was no reply that time. She looked at the sleeping face next to her and tried to think of what was best for him. His family was his everything and she wasn’t going to be in the way of them. It hurt her so much as she wrote him a note and slid the ring off of her finger.

She just couldn’t do it; not this time.

She slipped out of the bed and Zayn stirred a little.

“Where are you going?”


He could almost hear the tears caught in her throat, but he brushed it off with the fact that she was tired. He went back to sleep with a little nod of his head. She grabbed her belongings and slipped out the hotel door. The pressure in the back of her eyes released itself and the tears accompanied them as she stepped further into the night. She was still in her attire from earlier that day and she hoped that no one spoke to her as she entered her first class flight. She was clearly in no mood to talk. She just hoped that Zayn would understand her reasoning by the time morning came.

As the light shone through the small hotel room, Zayn felt the emptiness by his side and jumped up. He knew all too well what it was like to not have her by his side. She could have been downstairs, she could have been in the bathroom, but the stillness in the air gave away her absence. She wasn’t in his presence and he immediately wondered what he did. It had to be his fault. He thought that she went to his parent’s house and possibly beg his father to like her, she’d done it before. It wasn’t until he saw the glare of the ring glow in his peripheral vision that he shook his head.

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