Prologue 6: The Doppelganger

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I'm Yui Morimachi.
It's been a week since the case in Kochi.
Now everything has returned to normal and the office atmosphere is cheerful again, especially because Shibasaki-sensei has returned.

Actually, I was still thinking about Shibasaki-sensei. He looks different since we returned from Tokushima. Maybe he was injured while doing an exorcism with Sakuya-kun. But, he still insisted that I don't need to worry.

To be honest, I have never seen Shibasaki-sensei doing an exorcism or purification. I don't know whether Sensei is a psychic or just a paranormal researcher.

Rui is a telepath. Ayako is a medium. Kiyoharu is a Buddhist monk, Sakuya is an Onmyoji, and I'm psychometry. I wondered what psychic powers Shibasaki sensei had. I mean, he wouldn't have been opened this office. Or maybe he's just normal researchers like Naomasa?

Sensei is very full of mysteries. We don't know where he lives or what about his family. We also don't know what he was done during the trip. He also never said anything to us.

The previous case, the case about Kudoku. I feel something strange. Moreover, during the event about Kamaitachi, when he touched my head, I felt as if Sensei was devoured something from my body.

And when Kazuya-kun attacked by the Gu.
First, the aura around sensei changed. He is like changing into someone else, or rather something else. There was a strong aura around him, his eyes turned red and there was a kind of membrane coming out of his entire body, like Sakuya-kun when he used his power. But, Sensei has a very strong spiritual energy.

Then, Sensei is not like chanting a spell, he is like ordering spirits only from his words, maybe Sensei is using Kotodana? I wonder who is actually Shibasaki-sensei.

OK. It's enough about Shibasaki-sensei.
Today, I will again become an investigator. ( smile )
I hope you will not hesitate to come to our Agency if you have a problem that is difficult to accept by your common sense.

About the case this time, our client is Komura Yujiro-san, an owner of an antique shop across the street. I wonder what kind of the cases this time.

So, please help me again today. ( smile )

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