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Zuka is now 18 she holds her luggage and goes to the train with Azula Zuko Mazuria

Timothy Durrell castafiore hello my dear
Zuka hi
Azula hmph
Zuka I'm azuka
Timothy Durrell castafiore aw miss zuka you look beautiful
Katara Huh no way
Sapphire huh who are ya
Azula duh Little water tribe girl
Sapphire I'm sapphire I'm a Haddock
Azula oh please you're just a waterbending master
Katara she's a great teacher
Sapphire I'll kick your butt
Zuka Azula
Timothy Durrell castafiore Guys Sir your Butts on the train

Azula huh
Zuka it's beautiful
Azula yeah yeah right whatever
Mazuria Huh coool hi
Thompson huh cool Thompson it's Azula

Azula huhZuka it's beautiful Azula yeah yeah right whatever Mazuria Huh coool hiThompson huh cool Thompson it's Azula

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Azula not again hmph

Thompson we are trying to catch a dangerous fire bender lily

Lova coool
Thompson great Scotland Yard

Azula hmph
Timothy Durrell castafiore princess azuka
Zuka Huh mr castafiore
Timothy Durrell castafiore young lady
Zuka I'm not a firebending Master ok I'm going
Thompson hold it young lady
Zuka Huh no way
Zuka I'm princess azuka
Amelia leave her alone ok Thompsons
Thompson but lady Amelia
Amelia I said shut up ok
Captain haddock blistering barnacles!!!
Amelia quiet you
Captain haddock
Zuka Huh no way
Zuko Huh Wait azuka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amelia helllllo there cutie hmph
Captain haddock lady Amelia
Amelia huh
Zuka no way how cute
Amelia the white dog
Zuka it's snowy

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