First Lakorn

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Yaya was practicing her lines while her stylist was busy curling the ends of her hair. Today's filming will be a wedding scene for Fai and Jeed's friends. She was practicing how to speak in a tipsy way because the script says that both Fai and Jeed will become drunk after a drinking competition. She doesn't want to mumble too much because the viewers might not understand what Jeed was saying. She also doesn't want to speak too clearly because she was supposed to be tipsy. It won't be realistic and viewers will not believe that her character is drunk. She's trying to practice how to slur her words naturally when the production staff called her to stand by in ten minutes. She smiled and looked at the staff and said she'll be ready. She scanned the area looking for her Praek to see if he's almost ready. She did not want him to wait for her even if they still have ten minutes to spare. She saw him standing in the corner with his eyes closed.

"Is he taking a nap? He must have been tired. He's attending school and filming at the same time. Commuting back and forth must have been extra exhausting. He really is dedicated and has a great discipline."

Yaya did not know that she was staring at him unconsciously until he opened his eyes. He held her gaze. She blinked twice and felt her face turn crimson. She's embarassed as hell. She got up and skimmered away hastily. She did not notice the prop box on the side of her chair and accidentally hit her left shin.


She staggered and stood on her right leg, rubbing her left shin while leaning for support at the table. She instinctively look up to see if Nadech saw her stupidity. She saw him took steps to run over to her side when her eyes widen. She was relieved when he stopped moving and just settled down with asking her if she's okay.

"Are you okay?" he silently mouthed.

She nodded and give an okay sign.

"As if being caught staring at him was not enough...ugh Yaya, you really had to trip and turn all red in front of him. This is so embarassing!!" She castigated herself. She turned and started to walk towards the open area by the pool where they will shoot the next scene.

The area was decorated with high snack tables and a cocktail bar. The center was left unadorned because Fai and Jeed were supposed to do a drinking battle and dance battle there.

Yaya saw Nadech walked towards her.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked again.
"Ugh, yeah. I just tend to be clumsy at times," she smiled and nodded while avoiding eye contact.
"Are you sure?" He asked again as he smiled, glint of amusement in his eyes. Yaya looked at him as he repeated his question and saw the look on his face. She can't help but ask, "Are you teasing me?" To her surprise, Nadech chuckled. Now she's mortified. "For your information Khun Nadech, I wasn't staring at you. I was just wondering if you were sleeping coz we will start filming soon," she indignantly said to cover her embarassment.

"Nobody said you were staring. I did not even know until you mentioned it. And I wasn't sleeping. I was thinking of dance moves for later. So...why were you staring at me?" He asked again. He found her whole defensive stance amusing.

"Khun Nadech ka, I told you I wasn't staring—OHMYGOD. Ohmygod, ohmygod, ogmygod!!"

"What happened?" Nadech's full attention is on Yaya now as he face her and held her elbow. He thought she might have felt a pang of pain on her shin and might have needed support. She grabbed his arm and looked at him.

"Ohmygod! I forgot about the dance battle! I forgot to practice! I don't know how to dance, I don't even have moves!" She panicked.

Nadech can't help but laugh with relief. And there he was worried that she's hurt or uncomfortable. Turns out she's worried about dancing.

"Ooyyy, Khun Nadech. I am not kidding! How could I forget about that? I did not practice anything!" She muttered to herself as she turned his back on him. She was so occupied with her lapse that she did not notice she spoke comfortably to Nadech. She was so worried about her drunken-state-scene that she totally forgot about the dance battle scene between Fai and Jeed. She did not want to make mistakes, retake couple of times and prolong the shooting. She could already imagine the work all the staff would have to do if they have to retake and retake scenes. Everybody would get tired because of her and she did not want that.

"Hey, you'll be fine. I can show you couple of moves right now and then you can just follow my lead later," he reached for her arm turned her body to him. "What's the point of thinking about dance moves while you stare at me if I would not put it to good use, right?" He playfully raised his thick eyebrows as if teasing her. Her brows furrowed at his teasing. She was about to rebut when he let go of her arm and started teaching her dance moves. "C'mon, we only have couple of minutes and shooting intervals before we start shooting the dance scene. Try this," and he instructed her how to coordinate her legs with her arms. "Don't worry, you just have to listen to the music and time your moves with the beat." He told her to put her arms out as she tap her foot. He also showed her how to sway her hips. He motioned her to flick her wrist while she turns to make it look like she's flipping her hair. He said it adds spunk and makes the dancer look confident. It was funny seeing him do dance moves which are feminine that she can't help but laugh at what they're doing. She, the always prepared Urassaya Sperbund, forgot to prepare and practice dance moves and eneded up being coached by a very manly Nadech Kugimiya.

"Tsk tsk," she thought as she shakes her head.

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