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The sky was so blue and the breeze was refreshing—calm and serene, far from what she was currently feeling. She sat there, at the far end of the buzzling crew, staring at her script—pretending memorize her lines. Nobody dared to come near her, afraid to interrupt her concentration.

She glanced at the crowd and saw him exercising. She doesn't have any clue why he's exercising now, of all times. Here she is, nervous and worried about the upcoming scene; and there he is, not bothered even a bit. How could he be so unaffected? Is she the only one feeling uneasy? This is her first lakorn, her first love scene. Even if it would only be a "fake kiss", it still unnerves her. She has never been physically close to any other member of the opposite sex, aside from her brothers, dad and cousins. Oh and close friends from school. But he is none of those, and they are supposed to act in love. She still hasn't programmed her mind yet to be calm, even after a whole night of convincing herself not to worry and overthink. She's never even had a boyfriend before so how would she act this out?

"Okay, are you guys ready? This will be the last sequence we will be shooting and it's a wrap. We'll be shooting in fifteen!" The director informed using the megaphone so everybody could hear.

The staffs scrammed for last minute preparation for the pool scene. They do not want to miss any prop or material needed for the scene. The weather is good but they don't want to have to do multiple takes because it will be hard for the cast to act underwater. There should be oxygen support, staff on standby for underwater cameras and even lifeguards. They want to finish as soon as possible to celebrate and enjoy the good weather too.

She heaved a deep sigh and stood up, ran her palms on her thighs to lessen the sweat that's been building since...she can't remember.

Let's do this. You can do this, Yaya.

She nodded her head as if convincing herself. She then walked towards the pool and waited for her partner who's talking to a staff tasked to assisst his needs. He seems to be telling her that he can handle himself. He then walked towards her and gave her a nod of acknowledgement. She did the same.

They both looked at the director, waiting for instructions.

"Okay, you ready to get soaked?" He asked smiling. He seemed to sense that the kids were nervous.

"One last hurrah and we'll be off to enjoy the rest of the evening. Okay? So bear with me," he said smiling.


The said in unison.

"Okay, I need you two to act the fighting-and-falling-to-the-pool scene. Step towards the edge of the pool in a subtle way while fighting. Then, both of you will fall together. Nadech, you will be grabbing her hands as you fall. I will give the signal when the struggling scene is enough and you can fall into the water, okay?" Both of them nodded their heads.

"Okay ready the slate," the staff tasked to clap the slate went in front of them while the two of them went to their positions. He wai-ed and held her hands, supposedly to stop her struggling, as per the script. She then positioned herself, seemingly pushing him away.

"Three, two, one...action!"

And they started yelling and moving around. It was the scene where Fai was mad because Jeed said that she will never love Fai. He tried kissing her to prove his point that even if she will never love him, she's his. Yaya was struggling but Nadech did not let go, as per what their character requires. When they reached the edge of the pool, they waited for the director's signal, still acting. After couple of seconds, the director gave the signal for them to fall, and they did.


They both emerged from the water to get air.

"Very good! Now the underwater scene. Nong Ya and Nong Nadech I need you to get out of the water so we could shoot the falling part with the underwater shot."

Both of them went up and went to the edge of the pool again. The director told the cameramen assigned for the underwater camera to get ready. When the director said action, they jumped into the water. Yaya struggled under water as Nadech tried to stop her. After struggling enough, Nadech grabbed Yaya's cheeks and pulled her face towards his. He was supposed to just tilt his head and block their lips with his thumb, a trick often used in the industry to fake a kiss scene. However, it was hard for him to open his eyes underwater and was almost running out of breath.  He miscalculated the angle and the speed of how he pulled her to him. The water made every difference because his lips landed on hers.

Yaya's eyes blinked. Nadech gasped in shock but forgot that they were underwater and that his lips were pressed against hers. It resulted to him looking like he was sucking her lips.

She blinked again. At first she felt his lips on hers. And now she felt him gasped on her lips. She blinked couple of times more. It was like she was frozen and her body stopped moving. When she realized what was happening, she pushed him.

My first kiss!

She went above the surface.

That wasn't supposed to happen! Calm down, Yaya.

He felt bad for her. He went above the surface too and immediately wai-ed to her.

"I'm so sorry! I did not mean to do was just—"
"That's fine, Khun Nadech. Accidents happen and maybe it will make the scene better. Let's ask our director if we should shoot the fake one instead." She cut him and swam away.

"That was a perfect scene! Was that an adlib? You guys didn't tell me you were going to do it for real!" The director stood up and walked towards them.

"Mai kha. It was just an accident but we want to ask you if we should use it or just film another one?"

The director was a bit taken a back. He was surprised that it was an accident but was also surprised at how deadpan Yaya was at explainin what happened and seeing the brighter side of what happened, even if it was her who got the recieving end of the "accident". This girl is showing so much professionalism at a young age. In this industry, accident kisses really happen. Some are professional but there are also those who complains that they were taken advantage of or violated. But this girl, even at young age, she's already matured enough to think of unforseen things which are out of control and take it as something positive.

"Ahh. Actually it's up to you. You're what I am thinking of Nong Yaya. You are underage and you might feel uncomfortable if we use the scene. As long as you don't feel violated, we'll go with your choice."

Nadech was just behind her listening, speechless. He was amazed at her too. She is no primadonna. She did not have any qualms nor complains about what happened. She's gaining his respect more and more every day he spends with her. He discovers more about her everyday.

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