Chapter 1: Deku

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I step off the train, a smile on my face. I just arrived back in town after interning with Gran Torino. I was taught how to control at least 5 percent of my quirk without damaging my body. I also had a run in with the Hero Killer Stain himself. Todoroki, Iida, and I all stopped him, but to keep us free of violations, the police gave the credit to Endevour. I don't mind that at all, I understand why it had to be that way. I arrive back on UA campus, our first day back and I'm excited as ever. I wonder what my other friends have learned from their interships. I sit-down at my normal seat, hooking my bag on the side of the desk. I look around the classroom at all my smiling friends and that's when a face I've missed most comes in with an angered expression.
"Who already pissed him off?" Asks Kirishima in a joking tone.
My smile drops into a soft one. Kaachan walks over and sits down in his seat in front of mine. He then stands up, slamming his hands onto his desk. He turns around towards me, his expression even angrier.
"NERD..." He starts.
"Yes Kaachan?" I ask scared.
"S-Sorry Kaachan I-"
"Don't talk to me.."
He then turns back around and sits down. I look down into my lap. I understand he doesn't like me, but somethings he says does hurt. It probably only hurts because I like him. Granted that must stay a secret. If anyone found out...if Kaachan found out he'd have my head mounted to his wall for sure. I don't know why I like him, why I feel this way for him...all he ever does is bully me. But I just can't shake the feeling of butterflies anytime he's around. I sigh quietly so Kaachan won't hear me. Best I can do is keep him happy. The bell soon rings and class begins. The day goes through like normal which I was thankful for. As I grab my bag and go to head out the classroom to head home, Kaachan slams his fist down onto the table.
"Y-Yes Kaachan?"
"Listen here you shit nerd.."
There's a long pause before he continues speaking to me.
"..I hate you, don't forget it."
He then walks out the classroom without another word. I stare at my desk where his fist landed. I know you hate me, that's why you can never know. I sigh and head home. Once there I go straight to my room. My mom came in at one point to tell me dinner was ready, but I told her I wasn't hungry. I lay on my bed in my room in silence. The next morning slowly comes around and when my alarm goes off like a siren I quickly turn it off. I cover myself back up and curl into a ball. Ten minutes before needing to leave my mom came into my room. I hear her sigh lightly by the door, so I uncover my head.
"Izuku...honey, everything alright?"
"Yeah mom.."
"Well you're going to be late."
"I'm not going. Too sick." I roll over.
"You're sick? Well what's wrong?"
I wanted to tell her more than anything that I was suffering from a heartbreak. Knowing my mom she'd probably nod and aware the school of my absence and then make me talk. Which I wouldn't mind, but for some reason I decide not to tell her.
"Stomach ache." I mumble.
"Oh, my poor Izuku. Okay, I'll call the school. Let me know if you need anything. Okay?"
"Okay Mom."
She shuts my door, leaving me again alone in my room of silence. I thought about getting up and doing something, but in the end didn't have the will power to do so. I wonder how Kaachan is, probably having the time of his life without me there. I sigh heavily and then stand up. I maybe just wanting some alone time, but I'm still a human being. I head out of room and go to the bathroom. After I leave the bathroom and before I can slip back into my bedroom, my mom calls for me to come downstairs a minute. I groan quietly to myself and head down the stairs. I turn the corner to be met with All Might standing in my living room.
"All Might! What are you doing here?!" I yell.
"I came to check up on you young Midoriya." He says caringly.
"Well..I..uh..hey Mom could you make us something and give us a chance to talk please?"
"Sure thing." She smiles.
Once my mom leaves the room I turn to All Might with a sheepish expression.
"I'm not actually sick.."
"Then why aren't you at school?"
"I..I'm's a heartbreak. Now normally people can continue on, but they just killed me yesterday...they said they hated me and I them very much. I don't know what to do. I'd rather have their happiness over mine." I look to the ground.
"Midoriya..I..I understand. Who is the lucky one?"
I gulp hard, and a bright red blush coats my face.
There's a long silence and then All Might laughs lightly.
"Well I hope you recover soon."
He then leaves without another word spoken between us. I stand there in shock for only a few minutes before snapping back into reality.
"Did he leave?" My mom asks.
I nod and trudge back up into my room.

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