Chapter 4: Bakugo

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"Noted." I tell Deku before walking away.
That little nerd showed a soft side to me. I hate him but yet I listened to what he said. For moment there was well I could've sworn I was about to blow his face off. I sigh and punch a nearby wall. All I need to do I just focus on taking down All Might, that way I'll be the number one hero. After thinking for awhile and blowing things up, Deku and I get called down for our turn. The final match of the day. I stand at the gates and wait for Deku. After a few minutes of waiting he finally shows up.
"Sorry for being late." He says.
"Don't talk to me."
"But Kaachan-"
"I said don't talk to me!"
Deku goes silent, and the doors start to open. We head inside and I start down the main road.
"You know this isn't smart. He's probably gonna be at the other gate. Kaachan are you even listening to me? Kaachan? Bakugo?!"
I turn and face him, grabbing him by his shirt. We stare into each other's eyes. In that moment I wasn't sure what I was angry about more. The fact he wouldn't shut up, or the fact that he called me by my last name. His eyes stared at me with fear and wonder. I then let go and turn back to my route.
"Just shut up Deku."
I start walking. I hear Deku's feet behind mine as we walk. I then stop in my tracks as I hear something rushing towards us. That's when a sudden gust of wind blasts us down the street. Deku grabs me and pulls me into an alley. I look at him with an angered glare.
"Why did you do that?!"
"Because, I-"
He stops himself from finishing.
"Finish your sentence.."
He shakes his head and I sigh.
"You really piss me off Deku."
I then rush back out into the street. I turn and see All Might standing in the middle of the road. I then rush at him, powering my quirk. I jump into the air and come down with an explosion. When I land, however, All Might had already moved out of the way. This really pissed me off. I turn and see Deku starting to run for the exit. What a least either way we'll win. But him doing that really pisses me off! I turn back to All Might and go in for another attack. He dodges again and then blasts me into the ground. I go to stand up again but he places a foot on me. I struggle hard to stand. That's when I get the idea to use my quirk. I blast his feet, causing him to move. I get up quickly, glancing at the exit to see Deku frozen. What a moron! I look at All Might and come at him with everything I've got. He dodges almost all of it. I landed at least 3 hits on the guy. But at the moment I stopped, the moment that gave him a chance to attack, it was all over. He attacks back at me and the whole world goes black. When I wake I'm in the nurse's office. I glance around the room and see Deku passed out on the chair next to my bed. Why is he here? How many times do I have to tell him that I hate him?! Recovery girl comes in soon after my wake and she smiles gently at me.
"Good, you're awake." She whispers.
"Why are you-"
"He's sleeping young Bakugo." She cuts me off.
I look over at Deku again then back at her. I swallow before asking what I want to ask her.
"Why is he here?" I whisper.
"He brought you in. I know of your relationship so I told him he could go in case you woke up. But he refused. I'm no love expert but you don't just do this for a friend.. especially if that friend hates you." She responds.
She then checks my heart rate and gives me another heal kiss and then leaves. I look back over at Deku. What an idiot. He saved me and stayed by side even after all that I've done to him. I don't know what to say to him anymore. But then again...maybe Todoroki is right. Can't believe I think that stupid halfa is right. I sigh and lay back down. A half hour later Deku wakes up. I quickly close my eyes before he sees I've awoken. I'm doing this for two reasons, A. So I can scare him and hope he'll never do this again, B. Maybe he'll share his own meaningless thoughts. I hear him yawn and stand up. He approaches my bedside and lays a gentle hand on my own.
"Kaachan...please be okay."
In that moment I wanted to jump up and scare the daylights out of him, but instead I slowly opened my eyes as if just waking up. Deku quickly removes his hand and a small smile appears on his face.
"Kaachan? Are you okay?"
"Why the hell ARE YOU HERE?!"
I jump up, my quirk ready to use.
"AAAAHHHH! I was just making sure you're okay! The class was worried!"
I groan and sit back down.
"Well tell em' I'm fine. Now leave."
Deku nods and quickly leaves. Recovery girl returns a few minutes after and tells me I'm dismissed for afternoon class. I nod and leave. Everyone was currently in lunch so that's where I went. I sat at my usual table with Kirishima.
"Hey Bakugo, you alright?"
"Fine." I say blandly.
"Awesome. Yeah, if it weren't for Deku All Might probably would've killed you!" Kirishima laughs.
"If you don't want your face blown off, do me a favour."
"And what's that?"
"Tell Deku Mr. Izawa wants to meet him outside behind the school. I'd tell him but I'd rather not talk to that shit nerd."
Kirishima nods and gets up. As he leaves I sneak my way outside. This needs to be solved now. I hate Deku with every fiber of my being but I can't ever stop thinking about him. According to halfa that means I love him. I think that's bullshit though. After a few minutes Deku comes around the corner.
"Kaachan? Where's Mr. Izawa?"
"He didn't want to see you."
I turn and look into his green eyes. I've never noticed their glow before.
"Then that means...Y-You did?"
"Yes. Now come here before I blow your face off."
Deku comes closer to me.
"Deku...why didn't you come to school after I told you I hated you?"
"Answer me Deku!"
He stays silent, shaking his head. I then grab him by his shirt and pin him against the wall.
"Fine! I thought you'd be happier!"
"You...did it for my happiness? That really pisses me off!"
"I'm sorry! I just..."
"Just what?"
"I like you Kaachan!"
We both go silent. His face turns cherry red. My heart starts to beat like Deku just punched me in the chest. This feeling..I hate him..I hate him. I gently take Deku's chin and have him look me in the eyes. In this particular moment...I don't hate him. I close my eyes and lean in, kissing him gently on the lips. I then pull back and my hate comes back. I drop him and turn away.
"This never happened.." I tell him.
"This is our little secret. It never happened...and never will again."
I then start to head inside, leaving Deku behind. I hate him...I hate him...I hate him...right?

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