Chapter 8: Bakugo

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As Izawa starts to speak I get up on one of the desks and look out at my classmates.
"No, we aren't finished yet." I say.
I look over at Deku who is staring hard at me.
"I have a confession."
I watch as Deku's face turns red. He's burning up and can barely control it. I smirk as he wiggles. I watched as Gravity Girl put herself out there and she was accepted. Why shouldn't I be? Plus, everyone here knows that I'd blow their faces off if they made fun of either of us.
"What is it Bakugo?" Asks Izawa.
"Let me remind you who the teacher is here and who is the student."
"Pfft. Whatever."
I look back at Deku. He looked uncomfortable. Maybe he's the one who's really not ready for it to be public. I sigh.
"My confession is..."
Everyone was looking at me, waiting for something big to be told. But I of course didn't give them what they wanted, Deku didn't look ready.
"I'm better than all of you."
Half the class fell over.
"Seriously Bakugo?" Said Kirishima.
I shrug and get down. Deku look like he deflated. I ignored it though and went to my seat. Class soon started but I just stared out the window. About half way through the lesson, another pro-hero came in. He whispered something to Izawa.
"Stay here." Izawa tells us.
He then leaves and the class goes back to their groups they started in. I walk over to Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mineta.
"So, Bakugo. What did you really want to say?" Asks Kirishima.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask.
"I think he just chickened out." Said Mineta.
"Oh shut up. I didn't chicken out of anything!"
"Bakugo, chill." Said Kirishima.
I cross my arms and glance over at Deku who is standing with Gravity Girl, Frog Face, and Class Rep. He's so annoying sometimes...and yet I still love him. He's so confusing. I sigh.
"Thinking about your boyfriend?"
"Huh? What the hell Kirishima?"
"I know dude."
"Wait, he's really gay?" Asks Mineta.
"I'm not. Kirishima, over here."
We walk over to one of the corners of the room, away from everyone.
"How did you find out?"
"The way you we're acting. So who is it? You can tell me."
"You tell anyone, and-"
"I know. I'm your best friend, I won't tell anyone. Now come on!"
"Fine! It's...Deku..."
"Deku? Really?!"
Kirishima looks at him and I punch him in the arm.
"What?!" He asks.
"Don't make it obvious. Mineta is staring. I was gonna tell everyone but he looked unsure. I don't know."
"Are you sure he even wants to make it public?"
"I don't know!"
"Do you know if he even actually likes you? Not to be rude..."
"What? You mean there's..."
I look to the ground. An anger started to boil inside of me.
"GAH!" I yell.
I then punch a wall before leaving the classroom. I walk halfway down the hall before stopping. I punch the wall again. What if Kirishima is right?
"Kaachan?" Asks a small voice.
I turn to see the soft eyes of my Deku.
"What's wrong?"
" you like me like you said you did? Do you?"
"Kaachan, of course I-"
"I'm not!"
"Then why did you look unsure?!"
"Because it was all so sudden!"
"Was it?!"
"Kaachan! You want the truth?!"
I punch the wall again, this time actually cracking it. I look back at him. Our eyes locked before he spoke.
"Kaachan, I don't like you. I was unsure because I realized we were becoming reality. Kaachan, I love you. So you're the real moron. I've always thought this would only be a dream. So I didn't know what to do when it became real."
He looks to the ground. My eyes widened. My heart was beating so fast and loud I thought he might hear it. In this moment I didn't know what to do. My angel spoke words I never thought I'd hear. I wanted to blow his face off, yet at the same time I wanted to kiss him. I place my hand on his shoulder. He looks up at me.
"Do you...are you ready?" I ask.
"Ready? I guess..."
I move my hand to his cheek. I gently lift his face to mine. There was a soft, relifness on his lips. When our kiss broke I released his face. We walked back to the classroom.
"There you two are." Says Izawa.
"Sorry, Kaachan got angry again."
"Oh shut it Deku before I blow your face off."
"Whatever you say."
We walk over to our desks. Class continued and lunch time soon came. I walked into the lunch room and saw my normal table waiting for me. I walk up to it and look at everyone.
"Hey, I'm gonna go sit somewhere else. Come if you want." I tell them.
"Where you going?" Asks Kirishima.
"I'm gonna go sit with my boyfriend."
"So it's true!" Says Mineta.
"I'm not afraid to hurt you. Anyways, now that my secret ain't a secret anymore, I'm gonna go sit with him."
"Well, I'mma come with you." Says Kirishima as he gets up.
Kirishima and I then go over to Deku's table. Iida, Ochaco, Sue, and Deku look at Kirishima and I.
"Can we help you?" Asks Iida.
"Can I sit with my boyfriend?" I ask.
Deku goes red as he nods.
"C-Course Kaachan."
"The scoot over."
Iida scoots down, Deli following. I then get into the booth first so I'm next to Deku and then Kirishima sits next to me, on the end. Lunch goes on like normal and I learn a lot about Deku's friends. We get a few stares but I care not of other people's thoughts. When Deku and I first became one I asked for us to be a secret because I wanted to make sure he was mine. See if he wouldn't do anything rash because no one else knew. But he didn't. Then he told me he loved me. We exchanged many warm moments between our lips. I wonder how far he'd let me go... we'll have to see. All I know is right now...I've never been happier. I hope we last...forever...

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