Swordplay, Percy Prank and Saw 1, 2 and 3

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Claire Hart has updated her status

I won 10 times at swordplay! Percy, I clearly am better than you! I WANT MY FIFTY DRACHMA!


Annabeth Chase: You lost to your little sister,  Percy?

Percy Jackson: So what if I did?

Claire Hart: I even gave him the advantage of using his powers.

Annabeth Chase: Perseus Jackson! You need more practice! get to the arena right now!

Claire Hart: I'll help! And I want my prize!!!!!!

Annabeth Chase: Thanks Claire!  Percy needs it!


Travis Stoll blocked all campers except Claire Hart and Connor Stoll from his page

Travis Stoll updated his status

who we gonna prank next guys?


Connor Stoll&Claire Hart: PERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Claire Hart: I know his secret...

Connor&Travis Stoll:WHAT IS IT?!?!?!?!?!

Claire Hart: you'll see... :-\

Connor&Travis Stoll: Ohhhhhhhh...


Claire Hart updated her status

HEATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! NICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Heather Hart: love you too, sis!

Nico Di Angelo: Hahahahahahahahaha

Percy Jackson: what they do

Annabeth Chase: What DID they do?

Claire Hart&Cleo Hart: THEY MADE US WATCH SAW 1, 2 & 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW WE'RE HIDING UNDER THE COVERS OF MY/CLAIRE'S BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heather Hart&Nico Di Angelo: You guys are wimps. Those films are awesome!

Hades:tell me about it! They're AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heather Hart&Nico Di Angelo: Dad!!!!!!!!

Hades: What?

Heather Hart: *face palm*

Hades has logged off

Claire Hart has posted on Travis Stoll's wall

the plan is ready to be executed!

Travis&Connor Stoll: Perfect....


A/N  Ohhhhhhhhhhh..... Percy's in trouble......... well next chapter ******* *** ****** *** ** ******* ***** **** *** *****.....

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