The Sisterhood of the Athena legacy, Carter Kane, Poppy Norgrove and Neo

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Claire Hart created a new group called ' The Sisterhood of the Athena legacy'


Annabeth Chase: Do I want to ask why you made this group?

Claire Hart: I'm a daughter of Poseidon with an Athena legacy (I want to be an intelligent daughter of Poseidon) so I made a group for the daughters of Athena and all the girls who follow an Athena legacy. I also want you to have the honor of leading the sisterhood, Annabeth.(girls only)

Annabeth Chase: Ummmmmm... ok... but why me?

Claire Hart: You're Athena's best. Athena's wisest. Athena's strongest. Athena's bravest.

Annabeth Chase: *blushes* I'm in.

Claire Hart: Great!

Annabeth Chase, Crystal Chase and Cleo Hart have joined ' The Sisterhood of the Athena legacy'

Claire Hart: YAY!!!!!! Crystal joined my group! Hi Crystal! I haven't spoken to you in some time!

Annabeth Chase: ycudysdtzjvuasjgjcl

Crystal Chase: Hey Claire! It's been way  to long!

Claire Hart: I gotta go and sort some stuff out so bye guys!

Claire Hart updated her status

Guys! guess who's joining Facebook!!!!!!!!!!


Percy Jackson: Who?

Claire Hart: Carter Kane!!!!!!!!

Percy Jackson: Carter!?!?!?!?!?! You mean the guy that tied my sword to my head!?!?

Claire Hart: Yep! Just don't cut his wrist open again, got it!?

Carter Kane: Hey Percy! How have you been?

Percy Jackson: Just fine.

Claire Hart: Sooo... Carter... did you decide to... you know...

Carter Kane: No... I didn't... anyway, what are you, Percy? I know you're not a magician like me and the others.

Percy Jackson: I'm confused.

Claire Hart: I'll explain if you want, Carter.

Carter Kane: go ahead.

Claire Hart: We are demigods. half mortal, half god. I'm a daughter of the god of the sea and Percy is my half brother on the immortal side of the family, so we both can control water. We are Greek whereas you are Egyptian. We fight monsters like you do but we try our best to not fight gods unlike you magicians, but, apparently, that doesn't stop Percy from fighting Ares, the god of war, and winning,  when he was twelve years old. Most demigods don't use magic but the children of Athena and Hecate can. Most demigods have special gifts that they get from their godly parents, for example, some children of Hermes, the god of thieves, can pick locks just by touching them, like Luke. The children of Athena, on the other hand, don't get any special gifts but they are more intelligent than the other demigods.

Carter Kane: Thanks! Now I know about who you guys really are! would you like me to explain what I am, Percy?

Percy Jackson: that would be gr8

Claire Hart: *great and I will explain what you are to him later.

Percy Jackson: Will you stop correcting me!!!!!!! Your as bad as Annabeth!!!!!!!!!!!

Claire Hart: *You're.

Percy Jackson: AHHH!!!

Carter Kane: Thanks for letting me open an account, Author, but Walt/Anubis needs my help with something... being incharge of all these magicians can be so tiring.

Author: No problem, Carter! fill us in later. I wanna know what's happening between Sadie and Walt.

Carter Kane: It's the least I could do for you after you let me join! I'll fill you in later!!!

Claire Hart has updated her status

YAY!!!!!!!!! My best friend in the year above me is a DEMIGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nico Di Angelo: Do you mean that older girl you were walking home with?

Claire Hart: YEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poppy Norgrove: hi guys!!! I'm Poppy! Daughter of Poseidon!!

Claire Hart: Noggypop!!!!!!!

Percy Jackson: Gr8!!! Now there's two girls in my cabin!

Claire Hart: 'your' cabin!?

Percy Jackson: Yeah! I was the first child of Poseidon to live there since WW2 and I'm the eldest so it's mine!

Claire Hart: Poppy, excuse me for a sec while I go beat up our brother.

Poppy Norgrove: No fighting!

Claire Hart: Why do you always stop me? You always stop me when I try to strangle Leo!

Leo the hottie: I'm scared now...

Claire Hart: Wrong Leo, Leo!!!!!!!

Abby: Claire?

Claire Hart: Yes, Abby?

Abby: Neo is creating an account.

Claire Hart: HE WHAT!?!?!?!? BUT HE HAS TO BE A DEMI-GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... unless... Author, did you let Neo make an account?!

Author: Nope!

Neo: Claire? Abby? Locky? Are you guys on here?

Claire Hart: hey Neo! What are you doing on here?

Neo: I just got claimed!

Claire Hart: WHAT THE HADES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Neo: I just don't know who by

Claire Hart: What's the symbol

Neo: A black skull

Claire Hart: What the Hades, Neo! there's only one god that could be!

Neo: And that is...

Everyone except Neo: HADES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Neo: Ohhhhhhhhhhh...

Nico Di Angelo: Well it took ya long enough, Dad!!!!!

Hades: Sorry son.

Neo: Ummmmmm... what?

Nico Di Angelo: before you got claimed, I thought I was Hades' only son. My cabin is full of girls!!!

Claire Hart: but... there's only two girls in there.

Nico Di Angelo: And I have three sisters!

Neo: Three?

Claire Hart: My little sister, Heather, Hazel and Bianca.

Neo: Wait! Your little sister, Heather, is a daughter of Hades?

Claire Hart: No. She a daughter of Pluto but Pluto is Hades' Roman form so they're basically the same person.

Hazel: So that means that there are two daughters of Pluto, two sons and one daughter of Hades.

Claire Hart: Yeah...

Hi guys! Bye guys!

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