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Life was hard for all of them, each finding a way to distance themselves from their home and family whether it was millions of miles away or just around the corner. Although they all knew that one day they would find comfort in each other again, what they didn't seem to know was that it was closer then it seemed. But that wasn't the only thing doomed to fall upon their hands.

2018- somewhere in Columbia

Lights flashed as lust filled men hungrily cat-called the care free girl that dodged the groping hands as she made her way to the private room of the club. Her tongue danced across her smirking lips and he eyes glassed over in what one would call mischief. The pair of perfectly manicured hands belonging to the young woman pulled the velvet red dress further down exposing her chest and looked down to examine the outfit she despises
"If only I had boobs," A soft hum of words escaped her lips, "oh well."
That was her cue to finish her job, with a swift tug of her wrists the expensive purple curtains were pulled aside revealing a group of males being entertained by the near nude girls dancing in the room, though being startled when the unexpected visitor joined the party,

"Hey fellas." She playfully winked as they pulled their guns on her and shouted profanities in a range of languages but to her common knowledge she knew what they were saying
"Well that's not very nice." She frowned, just as they were about to fire she swung herself around the curtain landing on the closest person near and swiftly snapping their neck, dropping his unfortunate body to the floor the extraordinary girl pivoted as she threw her legs out kicking the face of the Male next to the body, quickly over powering the man he fell in the floor wit the heel of the girls shoe stabbed into the side of his head. All while the bullets of the gangs gun fired rapidly aiming a their target, screaming of the customers outside the now bloody room fuelled her energy, picking up one of the guns that lay in the dead mans hand she shot effortlessly at most of the left over men, only leaving one at her disposal as he tried to leave. She knew she had run out of bullets but it was the fear of the moment of the gun at the back of his head that compelled him to follow orders, the light Male man with a small stubble and slicked back hair was pushed onto the black leather couch.

"Where's my money?" She smirked as if she was enjoying the violence that took lace in the room' but to her dismay no answer spoke from his mouth. This caused the young beauty to laugh,
"Okay we will do this the hard way" as her black nails now painted blood red groped onto his neck,
"Tell me handsome, what's your worst fear?" In a blink of the moment his brown eyes flashed with terror, sweat started to drop from his pores and the palms of his hand shook.
The corners of her lips tugged up as she looked into his mind,
"Clowns? Seriously? What are you 5?" She laughed, "Well then. I take it you never got invited to your friends birthday parties as a kid. Bummer really."

To the males eyes in the room it was only him so could see the large clown coming towards him at an alarming pace, face covered in white and red paint which the latter definitely didn't come from a painting set, clothes dropped with blood and a metallic machete was held in one hand. A scream left his shaking lips as he cried for it to stop. The girl in the room just laughed and lowered her gaze until she was met with a wet spot beneath him which made her chuckle even more,
"Oh my god, he pissed himself, ah damn he's messed up his big boy pants!" And with that she skipped out the murder scene only stopping to pick up a wad of cash laying under the table in a brief case. The only sound drowning her thought were the shitty song playing on the speakers and the faint sound of sirens in the background.
"One point to Xeana, naught to the son's of bitches who fuck me over." But a beep of her phone brought her out of her short victory though set a even brighter smile on her lips as her eyes skimmed the news article.

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