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The backyard door was slammed open as all the siblings rushed out in awe of the glowing orb that hung high in their garden. Gasping loudly as they took steps closer in curiosity and amazement.

"Don't get too close!" Allison yelled over the howling wind, wrapping a slender arm around Luther's broad one.

"Well no shit Allison! I was planning on walking through it, anyone want to join?" Xeana started her rant to her sister as an masculine hand covered her mouth, shutting her up while the other sibling sent thankful looks toward Diego. With a roll of her eyes she harshly bit the inside of his palm causing a yell of surprise to escape his lips.

"Yeah, not much of a man are you now?"

More shouts of protection screamed through each of their ears but flew away with the blowing air. The blue vortex was slowing getting bigger- eating its way through the sky as the doors flew open again, this time the final sibling ran through the courtyard, fire hydrant in hand. Quizzical looks shot at him as he stood in front of the growing tentacles, mouths hung open trying to ask him what he was doing, but before they could even question him, Klaus through the the red object with all his muster. Disappearing into the portal without any trail or trace except the sceptical laced onto each of there faces.

"What was that going to do?" Allison asked exasperated, pulling her idiotic brother back in line with the siblings,

"I don't know-" started Klaus but was cut of by Xeana throwing her hands up,

"But it was better then staring at it like a pretty picture! Well done guys, I applaud all of you!" She sarcastically clapped her hands together, walking back to where her brother was pulled backwards and whispered in his ear,

"Eh I though it was a good idea." A smile graced his lips as he chuckled, wrapping a arm around her shoulders. There little moment got cut short when flashes of light filled there eyes- and the booming sounds got louder.

"Whoa , whoa , whoa." Luther loud voice echoed, "everybody get behind me!"

Diego rolled his eyes, taking a step forward obviously playing the masculinity game, "Yeah get behind us!"

"If we're being factually accurate, then ya'll should be behind me." Xeana smirked as four of her adopted sibling turned back to her- all equally annoyed as each other. " Right sorry- don't wanna hurt your dignity, my bad." She held up her hands in surrender.

"I vote for running! C'mon" klaus gasped next to her but was ignored. Xeana always had felt pity for Klaus, he and her were the same in some ways- growing up close together had a huge impact on her, and she couldn't be more thankful, but she did always wished that they all listened to them sometimes, even if it was just once. The two closest siblings had always been downgraded by the rest of their family- maybe not as much as Vanya but still grated as if they were not equals. And that made Xeana fists clenched tight- running probably would've a been a better idea.

Taking more steps back, a distant face appeared upon the large void, switching between aged and youthful, but something felt oddly familiar about it but like always, instead of showing her uneasiness she masked it with a hard face and a stupid comment,

"Jesus Klaus, I think you hit him with the fire hydrant." She spoke to him, earning a toothy grin from her best friend- even in the most serious moments they could always find a way to lighten the mood for themselves.

The strange man was becoming closer as if something was pulling him through. But second by second it was getting faster- more urgent. The muffled screams were enclosed by the him dropping out the dark sky.

As he landed face down on the wet concrete, puzzled looks glanced at the young boy in what seemed to be horror. A navy suit stuck to his small limbs as he laid sprawled out.

The thunder started to fade as the surrounding lightened- letting everyone clearly see the young boy stand up. And as he did, the dysfunctional family drew nearer to him, a undistinguished look plastered over them.

"Does anyone else see a little number 5, or is that just me?" Klaus asked, thinking he was seeing a ghost.


After a few moment of awkward silence, with no one knowing what to say to the long lost brother, Xeana put her hand up as if she was in a classroom, now the attention being drawn to her, she put a lopsided smile into her lips and fluttered her eye lashes innocently,

"Was that it? 'Cus like I was expecting something bigger to happen you know? I mean I left my alcohol for this shit and the show wasn't even that good!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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