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The feeling of floating in air was drifting away setting in the harsh reality of the messed up world. Xeana was no longer walking on water but stepping on ice waiting for it to crack and the dark blue depths to swallow her whole; she knew it was coming close as the bright colours were now fading into the dull wallpaper of her old home- thought it was never really a home to her, just a large house that called itself an  academy for the extraordinary.

Tracing her slender fingers against the polished wall outlining every bump and dent, glancing slightly at the small framed pictures that sat collectedly on it. Some doors were ajar and others you could hear low whispers echoing from them. Standing firm at the end of the hall was a wooden door, shut tightly against its hinges, and a lock- shutting out the room from the outside world.

With a whispery huff her petite hands met with the door handle, turning it gently in hopes to get Into safety from the traumas this house had caused her. When it wouldn't budge the movements became more aggressive until her palms were pounding against the hard wood. A frustrated groan left her plump lips as her charcoal orbs rolled back to her head and her back hit the blocked entrance- slowly sliding in a bundle of limbs down onto the ground.

"Any particular reason why you're passed out against your door?"

Xeana glanced up from her view of the floorboards to meet the dark eyes of her brother- Diego. With a distant smile and a small chuckle she tilted her head to the side letting it rest in her shoulder,

"I was thinking of knocking but no one would have answered- the idea of letting myself in popped up but we ran in to some slight problems."

His eyebrows rose in amusement, walking closer to the end of the corridor, "you locked yourself out?"

"No Diego, I'm sitting here for the fun of it! Join me and we can stare at the ground together in complete silence reminiscing the torture that old bastard put us through!" The sarcastic tone was deep in her voice as she tried to push herself up from the floor but miserably failing- still slightly out of it from her earlier highs.

Diego didn't either bother lending a hand or helping her up as in a blink of an eye he was ramming himself into the wooden surface, sending the door slamming into the inside wall. Xeana slumped her shoulders in a childish manner- he just broke her god damn door.

"Huh. That was easy eno- oh let you yourself in why don't ya?"

The dark haired Male wandered off into her room, his eyes wandering over the black stained walls furnished with few posters and shelves full with vinyl cases. It was practically walking with nostalgia. Yet with a closer look, Diego had to do a double take; half empty bottle littered the ground under her single bed, sheets still messy from the last time she slept in them- 17 or so years ago and holes that scattered the darkness of the broken surface from the punches she had thrown from the long sleepless nights. He was surprised to say the least- that being the first time he had seen room, although expected nothing less.

"If I new I was having guests then I would've cleaned up a little." Xeana quirked with a bored expression, she hated people in her room, always saying it was a disruption of her privacy- hence the lock on her door that was hanging from a splinter of wood.

"The amount of times we've tried to tell you to clean up your act, i don't find it at all surprising." Diego spoke over his shoulder to his sister though not receiving any comment back.

An awkward silence fell upon them, the air was tense and the could both tell that neither of the sibling wanted to be there. Xeana let out out a sigh she hadn't realised was there, twiddling her fingers in and out of the rings that moulded into  her skin. It was a strange emotion she felt and she hated it, the feeling of being back at the place she grew up brought an enormous amount of restlessness to settle at the bottom of her stomach- even with her 'father' dead, she could still feel his presence amongst them even if she wasn't the one with gift of seeing the dead.

Stepping further into the room from the empty door way, her eyesight immediately landing on the aged bottles of whatever alcoholic beverage she could get her hands on, smiling at the far gone memory of the rainy nights she spent on her bed, Queen playing in the background drowning out that taps of water on her window and a lazy arm slung off the bed with a pitcher filled of bad choices. Oh how she longed for those nights again- where living was so much simpler as in those few moments, she would forget that she wasn't normal.

Diego clearly seeing the lost look in her eyes silently left the room, not wanting to be there for her emotions heart ache. Slowly weaving his way through the house and back into the parlour- not wanting anymore human interaction for a while.

But back in her room, Xeana was not alone, she was regretfully welcoming the past through the doorway and into her barricaded mind. As her knees hit the bed frame, her small figure fell into the mattress in the exact position she would've been in 17 years earlier, a bony arm reaching for the first bottle she felt.

"Welcome home."

She whispered, taking a long swig, though quickly grimacing at the ancient taste that burned her throat. The familiar feeling creeping its way up her frame as she closed her eyes, not wanting to look at the ceiling plagued with the paint of dull stars and planets.

Breaking through the thick exterior of the academy, music filled each corner, landing a huff of recollection from each of the siblings situated somewhere in the large infrastructure.

With a tipsy laugh, Xeana rolled off of the bed greeting the floor with a 'hello'. Not managing to put the effort in getting up, her legs kicked in the air as she threw her arms up, bobbing her head to the rhythm of the tune.

'I think we're alone now. There doesn't seem to be anyone around. I think we're alone now. The beating of our hearts is the only sound."

Flicking her wrist, the bottle previously in her hand was thrown at the wall causing a shatter of glass and liquids to occupy the dusty ground.   Not that she cared, she was too busy trying to spurt out the lyrics but miserably failing due to her state.

"I think we're alone now."

But just as quickly as the song started it ended on short notice. The lights flickered and the room suddenly darkened, only to be lit up by a flash of light from the outside, hurriedly followed by the deafening booms of thunder.

In those few seconds she had quickly sobered up.

Something was happening.

She knew it.

And she didn't like it. Not one bit. Because deep down she was scared, and Xeana wasn't one to get scared. The outside continued to shake as glass broke and doors banged together. Slowly she stood up on her wobbling feet and looked out of the window at something that was defining all laws of science, a blue portal glowed and swept up anything close by. Shock glazed her over her pupils and her mouth opened letting her tongue once again run over her cracked lips,

"Where the Hell did my holy water go?"

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