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For the past three weeks, twice a week, Natasha has been visiting my dance studio. We don't talk much, but when my students ask if we can dance together she accepts it. Today I say goodbye to my class as they collect their belongings and walk over to my water bottle, beside it Natasha is taking a drink. As she lifts up the bottom of her leggings to itch her leg, I notice a gun tattoo.

Is that a soulmark?

She clears her throat, I look to her and my eyes widen “I was staring, I'm sorry. It's was just there and… I'm so sorry.” “It's alright.” “Guns seem to be rather common.” “How so?” “I know someone who has two.” This catches her attention, she stands up “Did I mishear that?” “No?” “Do you know what else they have?” “American flag.” She gasps and brings a hand to her mouth “Do they have something to do with ballet?”

She's one of my sister's soulmates?

I slowly nod my head and she smiles brightly “Could you perhaps introduce us? We've been looking together for years.” “Together? You've already met the others?” She nods “Do you know who I am?” “Uh, not really.” “You know the Avengers.” “The super people?” “Uh huh. Well, I'm one of them and two more of them are my soulmates.” My eyes widen and she asks “Is there anywhere private here?” I nod and grab her wrist. I walk her through the staff only door, I grab my key and head up the stairs. I unlock my door and lead her into my apartment. The floor above my studio is a three bedroom, three bathroom apartment, where my sisters and I live. I shut the door behind us “Welcome to my apartment.” “Wait, you own the studio?” “Yep! Felicity George.” She pulls off some of her clothing to reveal the American flag, a gun and a pair of ballet shoes “You really are. So, who else is?” “Steve Rogers, Captain America and Bucky Barnes. I'm the Black Widow.” “Wow.”

So two assassins, two super soldiers, two really old men are hers? This ought to be interesting, I'm sure she can handle them. The question is, can they handle her?

“This is incredible, she'll be so excited.” “She? Oh that's perfect, it's lonely being the only woman around. While we're here, I was actually wondering if maybe you'd share your mark or marks. It's just, I noticed the wing on your side, I'd like a better look, if you don't mind.” I laugh “It's hard not to notice it. Sure, I'll show you.” I turn my back to her and pull down my leotard so my whole side is visible, I cover my chest with my arms as she takes a look “Not sure what bird it's meant to be from, but I love it. I assume he's a bird lover.” She laughs “Safe to assume so.” “I have another one.” I grab a jacket off the back of my couch, I cover my chest with it and turn to face Natasha. I pull my leotard further down to reveal the spanner below and to the left of my belly button. She nods her head in thought, then looks me in the eye “Looks like I know yours too.”

She knows my soulmates? Does that mean they're Avengers too? This is not what I expected at all. I expected a mechanic and a bird expert or something.

She smirks “I'll let you figure out who they are for yourself.” “So they're Avengers too?” “I'm not saying that.” “Sure you aren't.” I pull my leotard back up “I have to get back downstairs, my tots class will be here shortly.” “Would you be able to set up a meeting for us? I'll sort one out for you, if you want.” “She's not in the city right now, but when she's back I'll let you know.” “Thanks.” “But yes, if you could arrange something, I'd be grateful.” We head back downstairs and I prepare for my next class.

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