PART 21.

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When we get out of the forest, I drop to the grass, pulling Captain America with me, since we're holding hands. He lands on top of me, but manages to catch himself, so he doesn't put all his weight on me. I smile and give him a kiss, he blushes and sits beside me, I feel someone sit behind me, their legs slip either side of me "Nat!" She turns to face us and runs over, she sits the other side of me and we all have a snack together. As we're eating and talking, I notice Bruce and my twin talking close to the edge of the cliff, they're sitting very close to each other.

When did that happen? Wait, they did go off last night together and first thing this morning. Are they together? No, they can't be. But what if they are? This is so cute!

I think back to when we were little, I try remembering her soulmarks, it's not easy because she never shows them now, she refuses. The only times I would ever see them was when we were young and we'd both be put in the bath together and washed at the same time.

What did she have on her? I know it was two, but what were they?

"Doll?" I lean back on Bucky "Yes?" "Do you want me to carry to the rest of the way or are your legs alright?" I smile "I'll take a piggyback."

Now what were those marks? One of them was colourless, like most marks, it was something long and thin, I'm sure of it. And the other had colour, I think it was green, but what was it? Ugh!

I watch the pair out of the corner of my eye, Hannah nods to something he says and then stands up "We should all get moving." Captain America pulls me up, he then picks up his own and Bucky's backpack. I put my own on and turn to face Bucky, he bends over and I jump onto his back. He places his hands on the underside of my thighs and pulls me up a bit higher, I wrap my arms gently around his neck and he straightens up. Everyone starts walking along the edge of the cliff, Bruce and Hannah once again taking the lead, my soulmates walk at the back.

I want to get up there and listen in, I need to figure out her damn marks.

I gently kick my heels into him "Giddy up!" Nat and Captain America laugh "Excuse you?" "Come on, I wanna go faster." Nat speaks through laughter "Yeah, go faster, Buckaroo!" Bucky laughs too "Why do you want to go faster? This isn't a race." "Let's make it one, we need to be ahead of the other soulmate group." He leans forward and runs between Tony and Felicity "Watch it!" We slow down so that we're behind the navigators, I notice a colourless lightning bolt on the back of Bruce's neck.

That looks familiar, is that what one of hers was?

We continue walking, until we get to a large tree house "Awesome! Tree house ahead!" Bucky charges ahead. He helps me up and everyone else follows, the last are Bruce and Hannah. Hannah is about halfway up when she looks down and sees Bruce not coming "Come on up." "I think I'll stay down here." "What's wrong?" "I'm, uh, I'm scared of heights."

The man who turns into a big green monster is scared of heights?

"You'll be fine once your up here, we won't let you fall." "Are you sure it can take everyone's weight?" "Yeah." "How sure?" "More sure than I am about going to hospital." He nods and moves closer, he slowly makes his way up the ladder, behind Hannah. When Hannah gets to the top, she doesn't need help, but when Bruce gets to the top, Bucky and Sam help him in. We're all talking and looking at the view out of the windows, Hannah is obviously taking photos.

I wonder what she does with all those photos.

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