Chapter 6: .......

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Jen can't shake off the feelings that isn't feeling, she tries everything to go back to Sleep, but nothing works.

Jen: ugh! (She puts a pillow over her face) this is pointless! Let alone I feel so numb...why?! (She ponders about what just happened to her) .....and why did she have to save me? I'm not being worth being the one to sacrifice for, what does she see in me that screams "Sacrifice for her sake" makes no sense....

Meanwhile with the punk girl and Marina

Marina: (laughs) you sure do love her, don't you Poi?...but....uh oh.... SHE doesn't like you back!! (Laughs harder) Why go through this if she has no feelings for anyone even for you? YOU'RE JUST GONNA DIE KNOWING YOU DIED BROKEN HEARTED!!!

Poi: (She groans in pain from the scratch) Don't say that shit to my face to goat freak!

Marina: (grins) I'm not the only one you Sag!

Poi: wait...what? (She see her hands become paws with claws as she starts to transform) oh you got to be fucking kidding me!

Meanwhile with Jen once more

Jen:  ......(She also starts transforming, but since she can't feel, she lets it happen. Claws grow and become sharper than her regular ones same with her teeth, her paws become more lion like and her body forms in the torso, and legs of a lion.When she notices she is physically feeling pain, she falls off her bed in a emotionless shock)  what is...happening to me?...
(She tries standing but falls as her back hunches to keep her on all fours)

With poi again

Poi: (she is halfway formed, having horns, pointed ears and white and purple fur growing.Her teeth sharpen making her iron fang fall out) AGHH!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?! UNDO THIS NOW!!!

Marina: very demanding huh? I'm not the one doing this, just let all of my virus consume you!

Poi: (growls like a other worldly creature ) When I get my hands on you just you wait! H-hghh...

Marina: oh I'm waiting! Waiting for you to show true power!

Jen is also halfway into her transformation, Having larger curlier horns, a lion's mane,  and newly formed wings. Her muzzle gets longer and 6 new eyes open up that were never there before.

Jen: (Roars loudly and runs outside, as she ran, she grew bigger than her house)  RARRRRGH!!!!! (She flies upwards looking for prey)

Poi is now her fully giant new form, with a sentaur like appearance, but with a tiger like face with stripes all over her body, demon wings, and 12 eyes.

Poi: (breathes heavy and looks at herself, she has a demonic tone in her voice)  What the fuck????...

Marina:  can we fight now? (yawns)
I liked you better when you were hollering in pain

Poi: AS YOU WISH!! (She punches but Marina blocks her fist)

Marina: boring...anything better?? You DO have fire powers you know

Poi: ....and you tell me now???

Marina: It was better than later, thought you would already know what you are by now....ya punk

Poi: (has a odd familiarity flow through her when it said that) .....(She summons a fire energized ball and shoots at Marina sending her back)

Marina: That's more like it! (She uses her fire breath at poi)

Poi: (blocks the attack) that smells like utter shite (she then tackles her as she glides and holds her down creating a large crater in the process) any last words???

Marina: (punches her at the nose which burns poi's face)

Poi: (screeches)

Marina: calm your ass, it was only a boop (gives poi a "puppy dog" look)

Poi: don't act so fucking cute bitch!

Marina: love you too (grins)

They then hear a rumbling noise which shakes the earth

Poi and Marina: what the-

Large tides of the sea come and wipe out the two as Rich pops out from the tides

Rich: (still in his monster form he joyfully screeches in victory)

When the tide was clear, Jen flew above and saw Rich

Rich: (frightfully gulps scared that he might be eaten)

Jen: (sniffs him)

Rich: Rerrr?...

Jen: (smiles) cinnamon bun

Rich: (wags his tail and blushes) rreerreee!!

Jen: (laughs and hugs him) don't worry...Im not gonna hurt ya..I don't know what I became....but we'll get through

Rich:  (nods and just embraces the hug)

To be continued in next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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