Chapter 3

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It had now been a week since Carmelita arrived at Prufrock Preparatory School. Many people are now bullying her instead of her bullying them. Usually someone would feel sad for someone bullying them, but Carmelita knew she deserved it. She knew she deserved a lot of things.

Some people at least are starting to forgive her. Or well, not forgive her, but just don't think she's horrible anymore. Quigley was the only 'friend' she had as of right now, Isadora and Duncan were still warming up to her, but she knew they would take the longest since she bullied them the most for being orphans.

But now, she's an orphan. She now understands what it feels like to have people ripped apart from your life, taken away from you with no warning whatsoever. What it feels like for your heart to break, really, truly break. When Esme told her, she felt like she couldn't breath, like her world just shattered. She was broken. It's still so hard for her to comprehend, she missed her parents so much, and just now realised how much she loved them, how much she needed them, and of how much a brat she was to them, and everyone.

A bright side to her situation is that it feels better to be nice, and even if she is sadder than she has ever been before, it feels just so good to be nice. There's also new teachers, new students, better food, and many other improvements at Prufrock Prep. She's was happy to know that and happy to learn all of Vice Principal Nero's ridiculous rules are gone.

The first thing she did once she settled in was make sweets for everyone. She wanted everyone to know she has changed, for the better. And though some people thought she did things to the sweets, and it discouraged her, but she knew she just had to keep on trying. She knew even the little things, like helping someone pick up their books, or making them laugh or smile when they are sad, will help.

She just hopes that one day, people will learn to forgive her, even after all the wretched things that she has done. She knows people have all the reasons in the world to hate her guts, but she hoped people could eventually put that behind them, no matter how long it took.

"Carmelita! Carmelita!" Someone yelled. She had zoned out in her thoughts in class and the teacher had been calling on her.

"Oh sorry! I zoned out." Carmelita whispered, embarrassed.

"The cakesniffer thinks she can still have her way around here! Hah!" Someone laughed. The class bursted out in laughter and started chanting

"Cakesniffer! Cakesniffer!" This is when the most unexpected thing happened.

Someone stood up and shouted over the loud noise, "Stop! You're the Cakesniffers!" She looked over and to her utmost surprise, Isadora Quagmire, the one she had bullied and tormented for the longest time, just stood up for her. Carmelita sat in shock for a good 2 minutes before the bell rang.

As soon as everyone piled out of class, she headed over to Isadora and said, "Thank you so much!" Isadora glanced at Carmelita for a moment.

"It was nothing. I'd do it for anybody." Isadora muttered and went ahead in the crowd.

Carmelita was so thankful Isadora did that for her, but, she could tell Isadora didn't want to mention it anymore, she so told herself she wouldn't. But she knew that she would hold onto in her memory forever.

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