Chapter 1

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    After those words were said, the final battle was starting. Steve had his shield and prepared as always for any attack, Natasha had her abilities and her black suit with some places with gold and her weapons, Clint had his suit, Rocket had 4 different weapons courtesy of Tony; Nebula had upgrades made by Tony, her systems were unhackable and a shield was attached to her systems.

     Thor had his normal armor, the stormbreaker and well his powers; Bruce just put on a special suit for him and the Hulk; Rhodey had a new armor similar to the his war-machine one, but this one had the weapons very well hidden; Pepper had an armor similar to Tony's one, but she has a design specifically for woman with a few tricks that Tony put to make sure she is safe, lasers, shields, nanotechnology, communication without a satellite was another thing that Tony made for everyone; and then the genius behind the upgrades Tony Stark, he had his nano-tech armor with more durability than the last one, it increased 3 times the last one so he could get hit more times without losing power, there were 6 infinity containers that would be taken out when it was necessary.

     The last month, Tony and Bruce worked as hard as they could to learn about the guantlet and the stones, it was destroyed but there was residual energy, so they started looking for more clues to defeat Thanos and found that if they made him use each different stone while fighting the stones will work again and they will be contained, once that was done Thanos will start losing the power one by one and then 6 in the group, each one will take one stone and they will snap at the same time so they can have back the middle of the Universe. Pretty simple, right?

    "Let's go to the quinjet, we are prepared for departure" Tony said and then started walking towards it, the rest not far behind. When all of them were in, he started the route and put it on auto-pilot. Tony stood up and took some rings he had on his hands, they moticed he had a lot for one person, but didn't mention it or judge.

    "Take one ring each one and press the logo then attach it to your wrist" he said and showed them how to do it. Rocket didn't understamd why, but nonetheless he didn't argue he has learned not to complain or devate with Stark.

    "Why is this for Tony?" Natasha asked curious herself for the reason to use them.

    "Once they are attached to your body a shield will cover you... It is against the power of the Infinity stones, none of his tricks will harm you if you have this one, as I said before there can't be magic without explanation and if similars can't be together the energy will bounce if they touch" Tony said in the most simple way he could

    The faces of the Avengers were between 'what the fuck he just said?' And 'Wow, that is amazing'

    "Also, that's how if Thanos try to use one of his powers with you it will absorb it right away and go the conatiner with the correct stone on it" Tony shrugged as if he hadn't just explained how to defeat Thanos and stated it as if it was simple... when having more information, of course.

     The trip was stressful, they waited a month for this and everything had to go according the plan, they couldn't fail the world neither their family and friends.

     "We are here boss" FRIDAY said. Yes another upgrade by Tony, his AI didn't need a bug satellite anymore only little ones that are easy to transport.

    "Thanks Fri" Tony said and walked to the exit. He clapped his hands and then turned to everyone. "Everybody knows their part?" He received nods and he sighed "Ok then... Avengers lets avenge the world" With that the door was opened and each one of them stepped out, Tony was taking his surroundings in, the air felt heavy and he was reminded of what happened last month, he closed his eyes and pushed the feelings aside, he will get back the kid and save the world. Titan didn't change... too much, there was only one building that looked like new, and in the top there was a figure, sitting in the edge looking to what he supposed is the horizon. Tony had another trick he hadn't mentioned, one that only Bruce knew about and that required Wakanda's technology.

     Nebula saw the shadow and while she wanted to kick Thanos to the sun, she needed to stick to the plan, it made sense and it was well planned. Rocket was feeling pretty similar to her, he wanted to take his weapons and blow him to the space.

    Clint and Natasha looked unreadable, but deep inside that mask they wanted to rip him and torn him apart. Bruce was trying to contain Hulk, they were ready, after gaining his self-confidence again, Hulk felt ready to kick that big purple grape ass. Steve had his emotions at bay, he would fight for the people he lost and for the ones who want their family back, they will win this war and that was a fact. Pepper looked between scared, amazed and angered, she knew what happened here in Titan, she knew what's that thing that made Tony feel more determined to finish this, she knew as his fiance, what he has lost. Rhodey was angry and shocked by the place, that was the place were the one who took half the Universe lived, the place were this maniac was bornt, the place were all this problem started, but he decided to keep cool, for the benefit of everyone. Thor radiated angry heat, this was the man that killed his brother, the crazy creature that has caused a lot of pain and destroyed happines and hope with a single movement, he will hit him in the right place now, he will regret telling Thor where he should hit, he will regret trying to mess with his people, with Midgard, he will regret messing with the Avengers.

    "Everyone take positions and remember the ones who are going to be hit with the power of a stone double click in the bracelet, my nano-technology will do the rest"  Tony told them all, they nodded and went to their positions. The Quinjet was in stealth mode so that wasn't a problem. Tony has described the place very well, a photographic memory was very helpful, so their hidden spots had precision for their roles in the fight.

    Rhodey was in stealth mode as was Pepper and Tony, they were floating a little using the ruins as camouflage. Steve, Natasha and Clint had strategic points located near rocks and destroyed building, so they could move around without being noticed, jump into action and return without leaving space to be caught, each hiding spot had enough view of the crazy titan, he sat there in the edge of that building looking proud and with little regret in his eyes, nit thqt they could see too much because if that was the case he could see them too. Bruce was in a hidden spot next to Natasha's, prepared to bring the hulk, he will be called in the right time. Thor was hhe big weapon and reserved for the last moment, they had to get the power of the stones back first, then they will finish Thanos, that meant Thor had to wait till the end to kill him.

     Nebula and Rocket were the distraction, so they had to make a signal for the others when they get their objective, get Thanos attention enough to not notice some of them, it was mostly make Thanos angry so he would use the power of the stones, just enough for Tony's container to work their magic, if one of that powers tried to affect any of them, they will be directly absorbed and the rest will bounce against the one who fired it, so that thanos would be weak enough to make their point clear.

    Nebula started her trip wuth Rocket up the tower were their target was sitting. Rocket went for the left of the building while Nebula climbed the right.

    "The comns are activated... Everyone is connected?" Tony asked

   "High and clear Tony" Steve replied.

   "I still don't understand how you made this possible, it is amazing" Bruce said

    "It is only a plan and I didn't make it alone, Rogers helped a lot" Tony said with a knowing smirk.

    "I was talking about the comns" Bruce hissed.

    "I know, I was messing with you. Now be prepared" Tony stated

    Nebula and Rocket arrived to the top of the building, they were behind Thanos and he turned hus face a little.

    "Why don't you give up?"


First chapter is here!😁 I hope you liked it...

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