Chapter 6: Cherry Red

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"Wanna find out?" The husky voice rang inside the girl's ears.

She blushed, finding the closeness awkward. "W-what?" Fiona stumbled with her words.

He leaned in even closer, noses almost touching. The blonde froze slightly, her moves were stiff. She brought her hands up on his chest. Clenching the material o his shirt. Fiona closed her eyes and...

Pushed him off of her.

"Ugh! What even!" She huffed a she got up from her seat and robotically moved over to the kitchen.

When she got into the kitchen he pulled out two slices of bread and popped them into the toaster. Crossing her arms she slumped forward a little and eyes the machine.

Marshall was not too far behind as he floated in ever so gracefully. With a smirk plastering his face he broke the silence.

"You should've seen your face." He chuckled, leaning back in the air as if her were in a lounge chair.

She made a 'tsk' noise and rolled her eyes. Her body shivered, as she could feel his eyes digging into her.

The toast popped out and Fiona took them and placed them on a plate. Heading to the fridge she pulled out the butter and grabbed a fork. Applying butter to her toast, Marshall continued the conversation.

"I'm hungry." He peered into the red-less fridge and cabinets. "There's nothing in here."

"That 'cuz you eat it all." Munching on her bread as he continued to wine.

He groaned. "Fine, I'll just eat your curtains then."

Fiona choked a slice down an glared at him. "Oh no you don't! I just got those."

Marshall needed the window in the kitchen. The long red curtains draped in his arms.


"Well then I'll just go suck the red out of your underwear then."

Before he could even leave the room, Fiona headed for the closer and pulled out a sweatshirt and shoes. Putting them on Marshall turned his face to the side.

"Let's go." Fiona stated bluntly, passing by him in the kitchen again to finish off her toast.


"The market."


The market place was bustling with candy people alike. Some other colorful looking creatures and such. All happily spending some coin on helpful items and groceries. The store were filled with anything from hairbrushes to candy.

"How about these?" Marshall held up a bag of fresh red apples.

Fiona sighed. "No, because I you get those you will finish them all by tonight. What will you have in the morning?"

"Oh ho ho! I wasn't planning on staying another night! But if you insist."

Fiona mentally slapped herself at what she had set up for herself.

"How about these?" Fiona held up a good sac full of cherries for a modest price. "Since they're a good price, I'll get you something else if you like?"

Fiona payed the man and handed the sac to Marshall.

"Thanks." He nodded as they turned down the market to an even bigger amount of people.

"Oh shit!" Fiona cursed under her breath, huddling behind her vampire friend.

Marshall rose a brow. "What?"

"I see Gumball coming through the crowd. Hide me!" She wined from behind him.

He turned around and pushed her gently into a sliver of an alleyway. Placing a foot on the brick wall behind him, he rested his back to the wall covering her.

"Hey there, Bubba." Marshall smirked at the pink-colored candy escaping from the crowd.

Gumball huffed, rolling his eyes and walked towards him. "Hello, Marshall Lee."

"Watcha' lookin' for?" He already knew the answer but just though he'd ask.

"Fiona, have you seen her?" The pink gum looked around over the crowd.

"Probably still at home, she was still sleeping when I left."

Gumball chocked. "E-excuse me?!" He stammered back.

Marshall's smirk rose. "Gotta problem?"

"D-did you sleep over?!" Pinkys face turned red.

Lee nodded. "Yeah, we had soooo much fun last night, she was still past out when I woke up."

He wasn't lying, more or less stressing the truth. She was still still sleeping when he woke up, and he did sleep over, and for fun... Who really knows.

"F-Fun?!" Gumball stuttered.

The vampire almost chuckled. "Why don't ask her, she's still home."

"Humf! I will just go ask her then!" He huffed rushing back into the crowd.

Marshall left out a soft laugh. "Ok," He pulled himself off the wall. "You can come out now."

Fiona pushed him out of her way. "Why would you say it like that?! Now he'll think something happen."

"Good, now he will go to your house, and by the time we get back from shopping he'll probably be at my place. Then it will be too late and he will just have to go home." Marshall explained.

Fiona laughed it off and continued down the market. Fiona may have laughed but what she didn't know was that it would be true after the week was over.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ANOTHER CLIF HANGER HIW DARE I ?!?! AHAHHAAHAHAH! Well anyways, hope that left you guys of what this story is gonna end like. Or is it?!?! Who knows really! Tell me what you though and yeah. Love yeah and bie!!!!

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