One's Past

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Senji's POV

5 years ago

Both of my parents were wizards. They weren't particularly strong, but they weren't weak either. We weren't part of a guild then, so whenever we would take a job request, we would go to a bar where wandering wizards could take jobs.

Since the three of us only had each other, my parents would always take me on their jobs. Of course, they made sure I was always safe before they start.

Both of my parents uses wind magic and as their son, I use the same magic as well. It's not some kind of ancient wind magic or like the magic of a sky dragon Slayer. Just the plain, old, simple wind magic. But no matter how hard a job they take, they never fail to complete it.

My father and mother always says that "You shouldn't underestimate your magic Senji. It may just be simple wind magic, but precisely because it is simple that the room for improvement is endless. Since our magic starts at the bottom, the only path that your magic will take is to go up."

Every time I train, I never forget the words that my parents said.

Even after...

Both of them died.

4 years later

I continued being a wandering wizard even after my parents died, as it was the only profession that I knew of. I continued to train myself for years, not forgetting my parents words.

I would take various jobs. From simple chores, escort missions, subjugation quests, and even the eradication of some dark guilds. Of course, it wasn't always a clean job. I've taken assassination jobs on criminal wizards. And hunted people for the bounty's on their heads.

Despite that, I have never taken the lives of innocent people. Nor will I ever do so.

Honestly, I never wanted to take such jobs. But times are tough, and I need money to sustain myself.

A day came when I saw a poster on the quest board that says "10 year quest", meaning a quest that would take 10 years to finish. I took it without hesitation as the pay was good and I could stop working for a while.

The job was the subjugation of a beast called Death Wyvern. It was a difficult quest. There were times when I almost died fighting it. Surprisingly though, I was able to finish it in a year. With the completion of the quest, I was a bit happy because I was able to see the fruits of my training. That I truly have become stronger.

But another problem came. It seems the employers that I met for this quest were actually a family of ghost's that was killed by the wyvern when they were still alive.

"We are sorry for deceiving you. Me and my family were killed by the Death Wyvern. It was painful, not because I was dying, because I had to witness the Wyvern eat my wife and daughter as they call for my help."

The three ghosts got on their knees and started crying, thanking me, and begging me for forgiveness.

I looked at them and said

"Lift your heads and stand up."

They were a bit startled with what I said, but they still complied and stood up

"You don't have any money to give me right?"

"Yes, we are truly sorry."

"Stop apologizing, it's starting to hurt my ears."

"Uhm... But"

"You can me pay me in a different way."

"Different way?"

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