Wine, Rum, Sake and Beer

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The small skiff nears the ship at high speed and soon the young woman jumps onto deck, her skiff having seemingly disappeared

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The small skiff nears the ship at high speed and soon the young woman jumps onto deck, her skiff having seemingly disappeared.
The partying pirates stop. "Mom!", Shanks calls out happily and a smile pulls up the corners of her mouth. This was what she was fighting for. Her boys. Her family. "Hello Shanks. I've missed you." The red head runs up to her as best as he can, embracing her with his one arm and she holds onto him tightly. A smile on her face. "Mom! It really is you. Come. Drink and eat with us.", Lucky Roo, the only one preferring food to alcohol laughs. She smiles and sits down next to him, eating and drinking with her boys. Also joining in is soon enough her favorite. Mihawk walks up to her and kisses her cheek. "Hello mother.", he smiles. She smiles back. "Mihawk. I missed you." She kisses his cheek after wiping off her mouth with a handkerchief. He sits down next to her and she rests her head on his shoulder. "Your captain gave you permission?" "No. I've left them completely. He asked me if my loyalties are with them or my family. I think you know what I chose." He looks at her with a small smile and wraps his arm around her. "Our loyalties are with you too, mom. Every one of us will always choose you." She smiles softly and sips her rum. It burns in her throat and is just what she needs right now. "Would a large family reunion cheer you up? I'd offer my castle.", Mihawk says. She stares up at him with a large smile. "Really?" He nods. "I would love that.", she smiles happily and cuddles into his side. Mihawk was always a secret softie for her. He never could stand to see her in pain. He knew that well. And if 8751 pirates trashing his castle were what it took he would gladly let that happen.


A two weeks later multiple ships arrive at the surprisingly cleaned up looking island.
Zero greets every single one of her sons with their names, a hug or a kiss on the cheek, smiling happily at every one of them, but inwardly she is counting. Anxiety biting at her. Until finally. "Helen! I was so worried that something happened to you!", she says and embraces the young brunette man. "I had a really bad fever but I'm fine now, mom. I'm sorry I worried you.", he smiles and she nods, a tear of relief rolling down her cheek and she kisses his cheek. "Thank the gods. And you really are fine again? Don't drink too much. If anything is wrong you tell me.", she fusses. The man chuckles. "I'm fine. Thank you mom." He kisses her cheek and she let's him go. "Brad!", she smiles, hugging her next son. "I should have told you Helen was sick. I'm sorry.", he says. "Its fine. He is well now and that's all that matters. I won't be able to handle it if I loose one more of my boys.", she tells him, a soft kiss is placed on her cheek. "We won't ever leave you mom. You never left us. We wouldn't do that to you." He leaves and pink feathers enter her vision. "Doffy. My beloved walking controversy. Welcome my son.", she cheers. He cackles and hugs her, lifting her up to his height and taking off his sunglasses before kissing her cheek. "Hello mother. Are you fine?" "Yes. I left my old crew... I'll see if I will be a lone pirate." "Why? You could always join one of ours." "But if I do that won't the others feel like I am leaving them? Maybe I'll join the Straw hats. There is only my little brother and no sons whatsoever.", she says, patting his blonde head of hair. A blush invades his cheeks. "We don't deserve you mom.", he says. "Oh stop. You are a sweet boy, even if you are awkward, impulsive and a little sly. I will always love you like any mother would her child.", she says softly, kissing his cheek. He places her down and she greets Sir Crocodile who really came to see her. She kisses his cheek and scolds him for smoking... The usual.
After greeting every single one of her sons they all party like Shanks would and Zero decides to take a swim in the large indoor swimming pool. She is immune to water and sea stone after all, her devils fruit being artificially made and with that able to withstand all of the natural negative aspects of a devils fruit.

As soon as the Kid Pirates caught wind in a bar of Zero giving a family reunion party at Hawkeye's island they make their way there. And really... The entire island is surrounded by ships and music plays, laughter and cheering is heard. They head towards the large castle and find themselves in a large pool area, all staring at... Zero.

She is wearing a baby blue bikini and an orange bandana, that holds back her bangs. Her hair she put up into a ponytail. Her tattoos except for her father's jolly roger are well visible. Right now she is laughing happily, while her little brothers are both clinging to her and Red hair Shanks is telling her jokes while some man they don't know is resting his head on her lap, his lower body is in the water. Messy blonde hair covers his head. She looks so happy with all those men around her. Granted, the entire room is full to the rim and a lot of men are either swimming or at the edge, but all of them are laughing with her. "Shanks stop it! It hurts!", she giggles and the red head rests his head on top of hers playfully. "But mom its so good to hear you laugh.", he drunkenly yells. "To that I drink!", a large Whitebeard Pirate cheers and everybody lifts their cups, glasses, bottles or whatever and cheers. "To mother!", they yell. She smiles and raises her own glass. "TO MY BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!", she yells and they all drink and laugh.

"Zero.", Kid exclaims. She snaps up and her eyes meet his. "Come back please."

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