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When news spread that the strawhats had temporarily split up Zero almost went insane, calling every member but no one answering only to have Ruffy arrive on their ship a few days later with a proposition. 2 years of training with him. 2 years without her crew. Without her boyfriend and captain. She talked to him for a long time. They made passionate love and then she left, kissing him goodbye. "We'll meet at Sabody at Mangrove 49 in exactly two years. If I find out you cheated on me I will leave you in a blink.", Zero chuckles at her tall boyfriend. He grins. "I wouldn't let you leave.", he tells her, then kisses her. After all what is his is his. "Come back in one piece.", he grins. She giggles. "As if anything could really trouble me. Stay safe boys. Take care of little Shanks. Kill as many marines as you can in my place." They all chuckle and she waves them goodbye before tying the Strawhat to her Skiff and then drives off.

"Why did you let her go captain?", Wire asks. Kid grins. "Because a woman is no pet. She needs to be able to go if she wants to. Also she told us all often enough. Family first." They all nod simultaneously. She did say it very often and clearly after all. "Set sails, idiots! We've got 2 years to kill." "Aye Captain Kid!", they chorus and start doing what they do best.


In a jungle a woman throws a tiger onto his back and makes him purr as she scratches his tummy. "Awwe. Look at your eyes being so big and gorgeous. And you are so tall and handsome as well. I shall name you Eustass.", she giggles, cuddling the beast.


A young man scrambles to get to get to the tall raven haired woman, holding a gigantic dead bear. "Nee-san I brought dinner!!!" "Good job Ruffy. Let's cut this up.", she grins and chainsaw roars, cutting into the juicy looking meat.

Three hours later the male sleeps on the woman's lap who on her part is cuddled up against her second Eustass.


Proudly the woman applauds the young man as he successfully forces multiple beasts down with his Haki.
She grins widely. "I told you its like forcing somebody to eat disgusting food you don't want!", she grins. He nods and laughs his peculiar laugh. "You were right. Thanks Onee-san." "Kya! So adorable!! You almost look like Ace when he was younger. Come here. Let me squeeze the life out of you you little sprinkled cupcake." "EEEEH?!?!"


A young man and a young looking woman make their way to Sabody Archipel, each carrying a backpack bigger than themselves in courtesy of Boa Hancock who, after learning that Zero was Ruffys older sister and not his  girlfriend, took a liking to the female.
"Nee-san are you excited to see your boyfriend again?" She grins, a blush on her cheeks. "I honestly can't wait, Nii-chan." Ruffy laughs in response.

Both finally arrive at the island and Ruffy puts on his disguise. To her luck Zero doesn't really need one. She changed enough herself. Her short hair had grown long and she looks a bit more mature. Still very youthful.
They walk into the city and make their way, both shivering in excitement to regroup with their crews.

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