The next day
January 1st, 2019
Tuesday morning
10.14 A.M.Liam fluttered his eyes open when he woke up to crying, a soft sigh leaving his lips. He yawned, slowly pushing himself up and looking over at Zayn who was still sound asleep. He licked his dry lips, getting up carefully not to wake him and walked over to the twins's bed. Both of them were crying uncontrollably, squirming around. Liam leaned down to check whether it was because of another diaper change – which luckily was the case.
"Alright girls, daddy's gonna change your diapers again." He mumbled tiredly and picked Isabella and Evelyn up, carrying the two out of the room and towards the bathroom where the changing table was.
He placed the two down on it and helped them get out of their cute onesies. Zayn had insisted on buying the girls marvel and DC onesies because he thought it would be cute to see the girls wear them. They even took a lot of pictures the first time they put them on. The pictures ended up being both of their screensavers on their phones, iPads, tv's and laptops.
Liam started changing them, cleaning them up and putting on fresh diapers before putting the onesies back on them once throwing away the hygiene hand gloves. He smiled down at his daughters who had calmed down, staring up at him with their big eyes.
"Good Morning, my beautiful little angels." He cooed softly and kissed both of their heads, picking them back up once they were done. He decided to already heat the milk up for them so they could have their breakfast, all whilst cooking something for the others.
He placed the twins into their high chairs and grabbed two bottles of finished milk from the fridge. Humming softly, he got a pot and poured the cold milk into it, turning the stove on so it could heat up for the girls to drink. He stirred it, tilting his head and sighing happily in content.
About two minutes later, he could feel a pair of arms wrap around his waist and soft lips press up against his bare shoulder. The person rubbed at his abs and he turned his head slightly only to see his husband standing there. "Hey baby." Zayn mumbled softly against his skin, moving his lips up to his neck and continued to leave a trail of kisses.
"Morning beautiful." Liam hummed and tilted his head a little to give the older man more access, biting his lip as soon as Zayn started sucking at his sweet spot.
He stirred the milk, licking his lips slowly before grabbing the bottles and filling them up with the warm milk. He closed them, shaking a little before handing Zayn one and turning around. He pecked his lover's lips and smirked a little. He leaned forward towards his ear. "You can continue after breakfast." He whispered huskily, kissing the spot under Zayn's ear before stepping away and heading to the twins.
He picked Evelyn up from the chair and sat down with her in his arms, feeding her the milk which she happily drank. Zayn took care of Isabella.
"What's the plan for today?" Zayn asked as he looked up from Isabella.
"I have to go to the studio today to work on the album." Liam told him. "I finally want to release it this year." He chuckled and sighed heavily.
Zayn smiled a little. "Should I bring by some lunch later?"
"That'd be great."
"From your favorite café?"
Liam nodded his head. "Always, babe."
"Great," Zayn chuckled, "we'll visit you around lunch time then." He said before putting Isabella's bottle on the table as soon as she was done. He placed her on his shoulder and patted her back gently, burping her so she wouldn't have any troubles later on. Liam did the same with Evelyn.
"Sounds like a great plan babe."
3 hours later
Tuesday afternoon
1.24 P.M.
Platinum Sound Recording StudiosLiam focused on the sound of his new song, bopping his head to the beat. He smiled to himself, humming along. "It's great." Andy, his best friend and producer, praised, turning around in his chair to grin at him. The two have been working on the album for approximately two hours now. They had to record a few high notes over again so it was precisely perfect.
"You think they'll love it?" The brunet asked, looking over at Andy.
"Of course mate." The older latter chuckled. "Zayn's gonna love it too."
Liam smiled a little and nodded his head. He inhaled a deep breath. "I hope so."
"They'll definitively love it, Li. Stop overthinking it."
Liam bit down his lip. He couldn't help but worry that it wasn't going to turn out good. Ever since the scandal went around, people kept calling him a flop and that his career wasn't really successful or that he wasn't going to make it as big as the others. So he wanted to make this perfect. He wanted to make something where people would remember his name.
"I just want this to be perfect." He admitted.
"Yeah, but do you want this for yourself or because you feel the need to please others?" Andy suddenly questioned and looked at him. "Liam, mate, I've known you for a really long time. A really fucking long time." He chuckled. "I know you always want the best for others and that's great. It really is. But you have to start to do shit for yourself. Especially when it comes to the album. It's great the way it is, fuck what other people say. It's yours. Your work that you should be proud of. Everyone's going to have their opinions about it but what matters is that you love it. I know Zayn's going to." He stood up from the chair and walked up to the couch where Liam was sitting on. He patted his back and smiled encouragingly.
Liam rubbed at his face. "I'm sorry." He apologized and sighed heavily.
"Don't be. I get it." Andy assured him. "But trust me on this, it's gonna be a great album."
Before Liam could even say anything, a knock sounded on the door. The two lads looked up only to see Zayn walk in with the twins and a paper bag from the Ben's Deli.
"Hi baby." Zayn beamed, walking up to them. "How's the session going?" He smiled over at Andy and joined them, the twins both making a sound when they saw their father.
"Hey," Liam smiled at them and greeted him with a kiss, "it's going good." He added, giving him some room. He helped unbuckle one of the twins from the twin-stroller and picked up Isabella, greeting her by kissing her chubby cheek. The baby girl released a soft squeal, squirming around and wiggling her hands.
Andy had left the family alone after telling liam he was gonna grab some of his own lunch, wanting them to have some alone time.
"Is it almost done?" Zayn asked Liam once he picked Evelyn up, gently bouncing her in his arm.
"Just two more songs." Liam exclaimed.
"Can I listen?" The dark haired beauty questioned with a excited smile. And how could liam say no to that? His husband always had the most adorable smile that he just couldn't resist. He gave him a nod of approval and Zayn headed towards the controlling system, pressing a button and making sure the volume wasn't too high for the twins. The first song started playing and he sat back down, carefully listening to it.
"I love it." Zayn smiled and glanced at Liam.
"You haven't even listened to the whole album yet, baby."
"So? Knowing you made it, it's gonna be great." Zayn grinned proudly and leaned over, pecking his lips again. "Plus, it's mostly about me, duh." He added with a soft laugh, receiving a fond eye roll from his husband.
The family spent the afternoon together, having lunch and listening to Liam's new album. Zayn even offered to help with a few recordings and in the end, they recorded a brand new song together that Liam wanted to add to his album.

Good Years || ziam au✔️
FanfictionAfter 8 years of being in the closet, hidden away from the public, Zayn and Liam have finally decided to do what they feared the most over years, finally coming out to everyone. Or the one in which Zayn and Liam try to figure out what to do next wit...