when you meet

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Your walking home from babysitting and as your walking home you get this weird feeling that your being watched then all of a sudden 10 purple dragons came out of no were and you start to run for you life but they caught up with you they took you in to the ally you tried to scream ,but they had a hand over you mouth and started on undressing you

You bit the hand that was covering your mouth and scream help as loud as you can but they punched you multiple times so now you can't move you close your eyes and count to 15 but by the time you opened your eyes all the purple dragons were gone and you see a figure hold its hand out to you

Once your standing you ask the person there name but they don't answer come on I wont bit you hear a chuckle

OK my name is Leonardo but please call me Leo

Nice to meet you Leo I'm (y/n) thank you for saving me

No problem its my job if some is in trouble I help

Can I ask you something Leo why wont you show me your self so I know what the person who saved me looks like

Well because you will scream at they way I look

I could tell when he said this his voice got sad well you know what I bet I wouldn't scream so please show me what you look like

OK he said as he stepped out the shadow I saw a giant turtle standing in front of me my mouth drops in awe and i thanked him so much for saving me

I can't believe your not afraid of me

Why would I, you saved me

Well I got to go bye (y/n)

Hope to see you soon


Your on your way home from your job at the vet shop as your walking home you bump into a foot clan ninja and you start running but the foot ninja caught up with you he took you in to a ally and started beating you up

Your trying your best to fight back but you keep getting hit and the one hit made you scream so hard you start to black out

You are shaken awake by a giant turtle saying you ok miss as he is doing this you sit up in shock with your eyes wide open

OK go a head a scream because I'm a freak

Why would I scream at the person who saved me, and how dare you call your self a freak your cute I mean your not a monster oh and my name is (y/n) by the way

my name is raphle ,but you can call me raph but noo raphie

Well nice to meet you raph and thanks again


Your on your way home from the school science fair with your award winning machine ,you made from those robot parts you found 3 months ago

as your on your way you hear something and feel your neck to find out that you have been shot with a tranquilizer gun dart

The last thing you remember was a tall turtle walking to you and  then everything went black

You wake up in your room and you look to see what time it was and it was 3:00 in the afternoon shocked you get up and dressed to see a paper that says

heh sorry (y/n) i know your name because of the paper that was with your robot anyway I took your robot I will give it back as soon as I can and my name is Donatello but call me Donnie

Hope we meet again

Shocked at this note you wonder when you will meet again


On your way home from work at the pizza shop with two boxes of pizza in your hands as you're walking home you hear people screaming and running your way as you look you can see these blue robot things with a big brain looking thing in the middle

Saying "Kraang will destroy the ones known as humans "

After you see the weird looking robot things you decide to run for your life so you run away and hide behind the trash can but the robots are coming you realize you're standing on the manhole cover and you open it but then as you're going down you slip on the latter but instead of falling hard and busting your head open somebody catches you

You open your eyes and look at the person's face who caught you and your mouth drops open and your eyes pop out of your head realizing it's a giant turtle ,and then you get dropped on the ground rubbing your butt from the pain you hear the turtle speak

Sorry dudette you OK ??

yeah but my butt hurts now well any way my name is (y/n)

Nice name my name is Michelangelo, but please call me Mikey

Cool hey do you mind helping me back up the latter  Mikey and here you can have my pizza if you want it for some what saving me from busting My head open

really thanks (y/n)

no prob

hope we can meet again some time bye and he went running in the other direction with out helping up the latter

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