when you meet his brothers

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You and Leo have been dating for a while and he thought you should meet his brothers

As Leo helped you down the sewer later you were hesitant to meet his brothers

(Y/n) you OK ??

No is this a good idea Leo what if they don't like me



I'm just playing with you (y/n) you'll be fine and remember the one in red is raph then one in purple is Donnie and the one in orange is Mikey

OK  that was our last words as we walk into the lair it was pretty nice

Um Leo nobody's here

Hold on FREE PIZZA !!!! Leo yelled and you could here people running down the hall

Once the running stopped and they saw you kinda waved

Um Leo who's that the one in a red mask asked

Well you guys this is my girlfriend (y/n)

No way you probably just brain washed her his brothers said not believing  Leo

Leo looked sad after that remark so you had no other choice so you wrapped your arms around his neck and kisses him so hard

When you and Leo pulled apart you looked at his brothers and said

Just to let you know raph,Donnie and Mikey Leo is my boyfriend and how dare you under estimate him

After that you took Leo and ran out of the lair


OK so (y/n) just to let you know Leo is kind of a control freak and Donnie is the smartie pants and Mikey well .....his Mikey

So your telling me that your the only normal one

Pretty much

You start to laugh

What's so funny ??


About 5 more minutes we made it in. To home but raph called it a lair why I don't really know

Hey guys I'd like you to meet my girlfriend (y,n)

Yeah right raph a turtle I'm orange said

I clear my throat  ...... Ohh really

Then I see 3 shocked turtles look in my direction

Um hi I'm Leonardo but. Call me Leo

Hello I'm Donatello but you can call me Donnie or d

And I'm Michelangelo but please dudette call me Mikey

So after I met raphs brothers he showed me to his room

Hey (y,n) go in I'll be right back

OK about 5 seconds later I here a oww

5 seconds later raph Came In so raph what you do

Nothing I just smacked Mikey up side the head 


Because he said I couldn't get a girlfriend like You he said it in a sad voice it made you melt when raph was sad

Awe raph I'm here aren't I

I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips

Thanks (y,n)

No prom my little fireball you said and kissed him one more time


Donnie are you sure about this I said as we are a couple of feet away from the lair  enterence

Am I ever wrong (y,n)

No but .... It was to late we were standing there

Hey guys I brought some one I'd like you yo meet my girlfriend (y,n)

Yeah right Donnie a turtle in orange and red said

I look over at Donnie and see he is hurt by the comment

So I took a stand for my boyfriend and cleared my throat well hate to tell yeah guys I'm as real as you and how dare you think k or say Donnie can't get a girl like me

After I was done all the brothers look at each other well were sorry Donnie the one in blue said

Are you guys sure Donnie didn't make her she's to pretty the one in orange said

Mikey !!! Donnie yelled and started chasing

(Giggle ) so um I'm(y,n)

I'm Leo and that's raph and the one Donnie is chasing is Mikey


Come on dudette I want you to meet by brothers

Fine I'm coming you laugh

After about 3 minutes later I saw 3 turtles in what looked like a living room

What up guys I want you to meet my girlfriend (y,n)

Mikey what girl would every want to date you a turtle in red said

Raphs right Mikey your to immature another turtle in purple said

Donnie and raph are right Mikey a turtle in blue said

Leo Mikey said shocked

Well I know that Mikey is the most coolest funniest dude I've ever met I said out loud

That made all the brothers come over to me and Mikey

Well I um ...I didn't  is all his brothers could say

So I decided to make one more impression on his brothers so I grabbed Mikey and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him

When I pulled away from Mikey we both smiled and I say all of his brothers mouth drop

I laughed told you guys I have a girlfriend Mikey said in a serious voice

Come on Mikey let's go back to my place and play videogames and we both left with his brothers still standing there with there mouths still dropped

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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