when you text him/need to talk

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Today was a awful day as soon as you got home from school your parents started yelling at you for not picking up after your 3 year old brother

Your so stupid (y/n) I ask you to do this and you can't even do something so simple god your such I waste of space and time !!!

No boy will ever want to be with you if you can't even do simple things like this !!!

You run to your room crying so you text Leo

Me hey Leo can you come over I need someone to talk to :'( :'( :'( :'(

Leo (y/n) are you OK

Me no just please come

Leo OK be there soon

I go open the window for Leo and he can see I have been crying

As soon as I closed the window I turn around and see Leo on my bed patting the spot next to him I weakly smile

So (y/n) what's wrong

My family thinks I'm useless and stupid

(Y/n) your not any of those things and just remember you have me  and I will always be there for you

Aww thanks Leo I feel a little better


You just got back from a run when all of a sudden someones hand meets your face

What the hell!! you say as your holding your face

Its your fault that he left your the reason your dad left !!!

Shut up!! it was you! your the control freak who did this and that's why he his gone you say this fighting back the tears

You run to your room texting raph

Me hey raph :'( :'(

Raph I'll be right over

With a shock look on your face he was there in a matter of seconds

How did you know something was wrong with me ??

Well for one thing you never cry so I know something was up

He came over and hugged me I was shocked then I hugged him back thank you raph


You just got back from school all bruised and cut up some girls at your school we're beating you up because you got a's on everything

I started texting Donnie

Me hey Donnie can you come over

Donnie yeah you OK ???

Me no :'( :'( :'(

2 minutes later

Oh my (y/n) what happened to you ??

Girls beat me up cause I'm smarter then them

Well maybe I should show you how to fight back at the lair some time so you never get hurt again how's that sound

Amazing thanks Donnie


I was on my way home with pizza and I saw some girls from my school and they were laughing at me

What's up fat ass !

Had enough pizzas fat ass !

You start running home crying and as soon as you got home you texted Mikey

Me Mikey can you come over please :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Mikey omg dudette please don't cry Mikey to the rescue

Me thanks Mikey

3 minutes later

Whats wrong (y/n)

Girls are calling me a fat ass because I had 4 boxes of pizza with me

(Y/n) your not fat at all your really skinny for some one who likes food just as much as me

He saw I was starting to stop crying a little then he hugged me which shocked me but I hugged him back

Hey (y/n) you feel better

Yeah thanks Mikey

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