when he stops by

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You couldn't stop thinking about his smile his laugh ,and his eyes they made me melt just looking at those sea blue eyes wow

You here a knock on your window which woke you up out of your trance about Leo

As you look at your window you see Leo ,and a big smile on his face waving at you

You open the window "hey Leo what up "

Well (y/n) I came here to give you my number in case you needed help again, you know just in case (he said while rubbing the back of his neck )

You blush well OK what if I'm not in trouble ,and I just want to talk to you

Well that works to bye (y/n) then he flips up to the roof tops

Bye Leo you say out loud ,but he was already gone


You were working out with with your red sports bra and black yoga pants punching, and kicking the punching bag with all your mint

You feel something touch your shoulder ,and you see raph red as his mask

What's up raph you said (wiping your self off with a towel)

Umm i-i

Hello earth to raph

Oh I came here to give you my number in case you get in trouble or just need someone to talk to

OK thanks raph

OK well umm bye (y/n) then he back flipped into the ally and disappeared in to the night


You we're in your room designing a new science project right befor you gave up you here

"You need help with that "


Hey (y/n) just stopped bye to give you my number in case you need help or a person to talk to he said (that and smiled and it showed off his gap and it was so cute!!)

Thanks Donnie ,you here someone yell "time to go Donnie "

Coming!! he yelled back well bye (y/n)

Bye Donnie


You were playing games on your phone you here a knock come In you yell not getting up

Hey (y/n)

You look and, see Mikey shocked you dropped your phone on your face oww !

You OK dudette

Yeah I'm fine so what's up Mikey

Well I came over to give you my number you know if you ever needed anything


Umm ??(Y/n) are you like part cat or something ?

No that's just my cat joey

What!!!you have a cat and you didn't tell me !!!!!!

Shh !!! Mikey we only meat twice how was I gonna bring my cat In to the two conversations we've had

Ohh well got to go chicka on potrol with my brothers bye (y/n)

Bye Mikey

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