when he texted you / needs to talk

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You were in your room reading a book when you here your phone go off and you can see its form Leo

Leo hey (y/n) :-(

Me hey Leo you ok ??

Leo yeah

Me tell me the truth

Leo I can't tell you over the phone

Me OK well you want to come over and talk about It I have pizza

5 minutes later

You said you have pizza

You pat the spot next to you on your bed come over here and tell me what's wrong

He smiled thanks (y/n)


You just got out of the shower and you here your phone go off you go over and see raph texted you

Raph hey (y/n) can I come over I need to get away from my bothers for a while

Me sure

Raph thanks be there soon

No joke 5 minutes later raph was on your bed so is there anything you want to talk about raph

I look at him and see that raph has red eyes I felt bad and was about to cry so I hugged him and he was shocked at first then hugged me back 

Thanks (y/n)


You just got back from school and you look at your phone to see if anyone texted you while you were at school and Donnie left you 3 texts

Donnie hey (y/n) can I come over

Donnie (y/n) hello you OK

Donnie im coming over

As you read that last text opening your bedroom door you are attacked by Donnie with his bow staff 

Umm Donnie what are you doing

Well umm I_I_I needed someone to talk to and you wouldn't answer so I was freaking out and came over I hope you don't mind

You look at him and he has been crying so you stand up Donnie I was at school and my phone is off from 7:00 -2:30 when I'm at school and you go sit on my bed while I go change and then well talk OK



Your watching (your favorite movie ) when you here your phone go off to see you got a text from Mikey

Mikey hey (y/n) :'( :'( :'( :'(

Me aww what's wrong Mikey

Mikey I messed up again and all my brothers but mostly raph are saying I'm useless

Me Mikey you want to come over and watch movies and eat pizza with me

Me Mikey hello

You here a tap on your  window it was Mikey with tears in his eyes come here Mikey and sit next to me I just ordered the pizza

You look at Mikey and he is still crying then you start to cry because you feel bad for Mikey

Why you crying (y/n)

You get on your knees and look at him and hug him for ever till the pizza man rang the door as I got up to go get the pizza I see Mikey smiling

You starting to feel better Mikey

Yeah thanks (y/n)

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