random encounters

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Rubys pov

It has been a month since the incident with Weiss's father neo has gotten her own place pyrrha and jaune have finally gotten together and penny has decided to stay at beacon we have two weeks with no classes so the team has split up with weiss going to neo's blake and yang going to menagerie and me going to romans i was walking to romans when i ran into a large man falling over and almost immediately the two girls on his sides hold weapons up yo me "girls calm down" the man says turning to me "sorry for them" he says "no its quite alright its not the first time someone has done that to me" i say "oh really you look kinda young to be in situations like that" he says i take a good look at him and realize who he is "oh my are you jr" i ask him "that is me yes" he says "i would like to apologize then" i say "what for" he asks "my sister" i say "what did your sister do" he asks "she is the one who tore up your club and attacked you" i say "wait you're blondies sister" he asks surprised "yes and i am so sorry for her actions" i say "well you weren't the one who did it so you have nothing to apologize for what is your name miss" he asks "my name is ruby rose" i say and they all jump back "you're the ruby rose" he asks "yeah why" i ask "well you are kind of a mystery in the criminal world right now" jr says "wait really why" i ask "well torchwick almost fell off the face of the earth and the only reason he gave was your name" jr explains "yeah i did ask him to stop breaking the law" i say "and he listened to you he doesn't seem to be the type that would" jr asks "well of course he listens to me i would be mad if he didn't" i say "wow how scary are you that torchwick doesn't want you mad" jr asks "probably about as scary as an angry girlfriend can be" i say as realization shows on his face "you and roman are like that" he asks "yes i was actually on the way to his house when i ran into you" i say "oh then i am very sorry for getting in the way" he says moving aside "no need to treat me any different than before we're all friends here" i say "well ok then it was nice meeting you ruby if you ever need to find someone ill help you" he says "it was nice meeting you to and I'll keep that in mind" i say before continuing to walk to roman's house

I get to romans house and see ironwood and penny standing outside of it "penny general ironwood what are you doing here" i ask "we have been informed that torchwick lives here" ironwood says "by who" i ask "winter" ironwood says "god dammit weiss" i say "language" penny says "sorry im just mad at weiss" i say "and why would you be mad at weiss for winter telling me" ironwood asks "well because weiss is the one who told her" i explain "and how did weiss know where he lives" ironwood asks "because her girlfriend is romans best friend" i explain "weiss is dating a criminal" ironwood asks surprised "winter didn't tell you" i ask confused "no she didn't" he says "well do you two want to come in romans not here right now but you're welcome to wait" i say unlocking the door with a key roman gave me "you have a key to torchwick's house" he asks "yeah how else would i get in now are you two coming in or not" i ask "we would love to come in" penny says dragging ironwood in "well take a seat would you like some coffee" i ask "no thank you" ironwood says "ok then why are you two here" i say sitting down "we came here to apprehend torchwick" ironwood says "well i can't have that" i say "why not" ironwood asks "well i don't want my boyfriend in jail" i say "you and torchwick got together that's great" penny says "how is that great" ironwood asks "well ruby has had feelings for torchwick for quite a while" penny says "why didn't you tell me" ironwood asks "well it was a secret" penny says "don't get to mad at her i asked her not to tell anyone" i say "why did you tell her in the first place" ironwood asks "well i found out her secret so i told her mine" i say "so you know about penny" he says "about her being a robot yes but don't worry i haven't told anyone" i say "ok good now back to the topic on hand you are in a romantic relationship with roman torchwick" ironwood says "yes that is correct" i say "do you know what he is planning" he asks "he isn't planning anything i told him to stop breaking the law" i explain "so he is truly not trying to do anything" ironwood asks "no he is not" i say "well he is committing pedophilia" ironwood says "yeah but its not like he's going against my will" i say "well technically you are considered to young to give consent" ironwood says making me growl "i think we should let him go" penny says "fine then we shall be going" ironwood says standing up "it was great seeing you again ruby" penny says "yes it was" i say then they leave the building and walk off so i walk back inside and wait for roman to come back

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