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Ruby's pov

I finish showing roman around the house and we go to my room to unpack our things "im glad your dad was excepting i was sure he would try and kill me" roman says "don't count yourself to lucky" qrow says busting in the room "uncle qrow what's the matter" i say "well this is the man who had sex with you" qrow says growling "yes but you knew this why are you mad now" i ask "because he doesn't want to be mad at you" roman says "well that's stupid im just as at fault if not more" i say "no you are a child he's taking advantage of you" qrow says "i swear i have no intention of ever hurting ruby" roman says "sorry but i don't believe you" qrow says "i understand your scepticism and i will do anything to gain your trust" roman says "i want you to leave ruby alone" qrow says "ok sorry i can't do that one" roman says "well then I'll have to keep you away myself" qrow says walking towards roman "uncle qrow don't you fucking dare" i say to him making him freeze "what did you just say" qrow asks "you heard me if you lay a finger on him i won't forgive you" i say "ruby this man has done unspeakable things to you" qrow says "they are not unspeakable i can say it quite easily we had sex and each time i asked for it" i say "each time you mean you have done it multiple times" qrow asks "yes we did and it was great" i say "ruby you're not helping our case" roman says "he's right you're not" qrow says "who said we had a case i am just explaining to you that wether you like it or not we are together and that is not going to change" i say angrily "ruby i just want what's best for you" qrow says "i know you do and trust me he is what's best for me" i say "if you absolutely think he is then I'll believe you" qrow says "thank you" i say hugging him "what's more important is where you learned that kind of language" qrow asks "i just picked it up" i say "well un pick it up" qrow says "i don't think that's how it works" i say "well im gonna go talk to tai so be warned he may bust in here and yell at you" qrow says walking out of the room "ruby that was a bold move" roman says "well if i didn't do anything he would have killed you" i say walking over to him "well im glad you did because if i never got to see you i might as well me dead" roman says pulling me in "well aren't you a sweet talker" i say kissing him "what the hell were you thinking" dad yells walking in the room "i was thinking he looks hot without clothes on" i counter "ok i guess that would be what you were thinking" dad says "why are you only mad at me for having sex yang and blake do it all the time" i say "wait blondie and the cat are together" roman asks "yeah it's great i was the one who set them up" i say "well that's great they did look good together" roman says "I'm still here" dad says "oh right do you need something" i ask "nevermind you clearly don't have any remorse for this" dad says walking off "ruby you are playing a dangerous game" roman says "well i like to think im winning" i say "and what makes you think that" he asks "because i am still with you" i say sitting him on the bed "look who's being a sweet talker now" he says as i sit on his lap "you better not be planning on doing it here" qrow says walking by "no im still tired so we'll probably be going to sleep soon so can you close the door" i say "yeah sure and tai has some friends coming over tomorrow so just be prepared for that" qrow says "ok" i say then qrow closes the door "i wonder who is coming" i say "i hope its not someone with a grudge against me" roman says "well if they want to get to you they have to go through me" i say "well aren't you my little hero" he says "don't be mean" i say "im sorry you really are my hero i mean if you weren't there ironwood would have arrested me" roman says "exactly so don't be so mean" i say he hugs me from behind "im very sorry ruby i didn't mean to upset you" he says "well i guess I'll forgive you" i say "we should get some sleep" roman says "yeah we should" i say we then go to sleep

I wake up the next morning to the sound of distant voices i gently get out of romans arms and walk down the stairs seeing dad with dr. Ooblec and profesor port "hello sweetheart how did you sleep" dad asks me "i slept great what are my teacher's doing here" i ask "mrs rose we do have lives outside of teaching" ooblec says "yeah i just didn't know you were my dads friends" i say "well is he awake yet" dad asks "no he's still asleep" i say "may i ask who we are speaking about" port says "we're talking about ruby's boyfriend" dad says still sounding angry "dad i thought you were ok with him now" i say "do you not approve of her boyfriend" ooblec asks "no i really don't but there is nothing i can do" dad says "he can't be that bad" port says "oh just wait you'll see" dad says

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