friendly talks

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ruby's pov

"what did he do that makes you hate him so much" ooblec asks "im not a fan of criminals" dad says "mrs rose you are dating a criminal" ooblec asks "he's not a criminal anymore" i say "who is he" port asks "well you have already sort have met him" i say pointing to ooblec "what does that mean" ooblec asks we then hear footsteps coming down the stairs "well i guess he's awake so don't freak out when you see him" i say "hey ruby are you in here" roman asks walking in the room "what's he doing here" port asks "its good to see you again" roman says to ooblec "please don't tell me" port says "yeah he's him" i say "im guessing he's the one that tipped you off about emerald and mercury" ooblec says "yeah that was me" roman says "well this is a lot of information to take in at once" port says "well have some breakfast" dad says "that sounds great what did you make" i say sitting down with roman "i made pancakes" dad says "i love pancakes" i say grabbing a bunch "are you sure you can eat that much" roman asks "well yes but you can eat some if you want" i say "ok then pass me a fork" roman says and i do "where are the rest of your teammates" ooblec asks me "well blake and yang went to menagerie and weiss went to neo's" i explain "who's neo" port asks "its my friend and weiss's girlfriend" roman explains "wait yang went to menagerie" dad says "she didn't tell you" i ask "no she didn't no one tells me anything" dad says "well i tell you things" i say "i have a hard time believing that" dad says "really well if there is anything any of you want to know I'll tell you" i say "ok then may i ask a question" ooblec says "of course you can" i say "what type of relationship do you have with torchwick" ooblec asks "sexual" i answer "do you know any other criminals" dad asks "does jr count as a criminal" i ask roman "when did you meet jr" he asks "i ran into him on the way to your house" i say "who's jr" port asks "he's an information broker runs a bar downtown" roman explains "yang busted up his club a while ago now their all scared of her" i explain "why is yang going to clubs" dad asks "that's more of a question for her i don't know the answer to that" i say "what did jr say to you" roman asks "well he was scared of me because of my relationship with yang and even more scared when i told him about you so he was being extra nice until i told him not to be so now we're friends" i explain to roman who seems shocked "that sounds rather dangerous you should be careful who you talk to" ooblec says "i could have taken him" i say "that's not the point you could have been hurt" roman says "calm down roman if i was in danger i would have left" i say "still i don't like the idea of you alone with someone like you" roman says "isn't that kinda hypocritical" port says "yes but at least i know she's safe around me" roman says "how do we know she's safe around you" ooblec asks roman "i understand your concern but let me tell you i would rather die then let ruby get hurt" roman says making me blush "well that's great to hear because if she does get hurt I'll kill you myself" dad says "i wouldn't expect any less" roman says "well if its alright with you I'm going to go see mom" i say to dad "of course stay safe" dad says i was expecting roman to want to come with but he looked at me like he understood so i walked off and headed to mom

I get to moms grave and kneel down beside it "hello mom its been awhile i have been busy and i know you wouldn't approve but i have a boyfriend he's much older than me but he is the nicest person I've ever met and if you were still here i know you would get along and i just realized i left him alone with dad so i should be going back i miss you" i then stand up and start heading back home

I get home and see everyone in the living room talking as if they have all been friends for years "im back" i say to the group who turn to me "welcome back take a seat" dad says and the only open seat is between ooblec and port so i go and sit on romans lap "so what were you guys talking about" i ask "roman was telling us about his past" port explains "was it interesting" i ask "it was quite interesting hearing his side of the story" ooblec says "it was also quite interesting hearing how you two came to know each other" port says "were you really that forward" dad asks "if you're talking about the caves then yes" i say "you have no shame do you" dad asks "not about these things" i say "that's not something to be proud of" ooblec says "well i am it took a lot of work to snag him" i say "still i don't like the idea of you telling everyone about your sexual endeavours" dad says "i only tell people when they ask" i say "that's not much better" port says "probably not but it still is going to happen" i say "i never would have guessed you would have a personality like this its actually quite interesting how well you hid it" ooblec says "well thank you but im not sure what personality you think i have" i say to him "well to be completely honest you seem like a delinquent you don't care how others react to the things you do and you're proud to show them off" port explains "i guess i do sound like a delinquent that's kinda cool" i say "im pretty sure they don't mean it as a compliment" roman says to me "oh" i say

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