young ravyn was take to a orphanages/mental hospital she was part of a satanic ritual now she is a demon so the people who are at this mental hospital they exprement on her after in exprement a man comes ask for her she finds out that this preson is...
I come out to area people can visit you. I sit quietly as I drink my earl grey tea then door opens a man steps in this man appears to be in his later 30. He sits down in front if hello my name is gene Simmons. I have come to adopted you. What is your name love he said I dont have one I'm name. Was striped form me when I came here . well I will give you a name. Your name is. Ravyn Simmons three more men came in this Eric singer ,tommy Thayer and Paul stanley there part of my band together we make kiss the rock band. Unknown fact I did not know that yall we re kiss. You really don't know who we are. Of course I know who y'all are what do you that I have been living under a rock for my whole life. I said why are you here he asked me. What do you mean why I'm here I said. What are you doing in a place like He said Hmmm it a long story I rather not talk about it . ok he said I understand if you don't want talk about it He said. Let's just say when I get out of here some people I know are going to wish they never were born. I said. I just smile and let out a small giggle.(like Dolores Umbridge's giggle) I stand up I walk away from gene and the rest of the band. I stand in front of the window . I 'll. Make all those hurt me pay their price I will end them they will pay for everything.i said in a distored voice it starts to pour rain outside. I walk back up to gene well you are you are going to be the luckiest man in the world. I smile Slowly my eyes turn red bu he does not seem to notice. What do you mean I'm going to be the luckiest man in the world what are you talking about. I give out a small laugh more of a evil laugh i take off my glove and show him my hand
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