A Date ... Date?

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Opening Theme: Rainbow Colored Encore (Rainbow Crescendo)
Ending Theme: Aurora Princess (Izzy, Tori)

Leo: So when we made the first book, we put in a few hints in the titles of the parts.

Cousin: Leo didn't want me to.

Leo: Yeah I didn't. But we did anyway. But - oops - we're doing it again. This time with the music. This part could have the answer to a question we know at least one of you has been asking. So ... enjoy. 

 "So what do you guys think?" Lex asked as he and the rest of M4 wore specially made Electric Star outfits for the party. But they weren't so much Electric Star design's as they were just clothes Lex made for him and his friends.

Lex wore a fancy black jacket with a magenta bow tie. He had a white dress shirt and red vest. He had black pants with a small rainbow star on the back of the leg and brown shoes. Zander had a navy blue jacket, white dress shirt, blue tie, black pants with the same star on the back leg and black shoes. Tanoshi wore a white dress shirt with a blue vest lined with black and a red bowtie. He had dark blue pants and red shoes which were actually sneakers. Yujin had a silver vest, white dress shirt, black jacket, black tie, black pants and brown shoes.

"I like it," Yujin said.

"You're certainly better than any other seamstress in Japan," Zander said.

"It's comfortable and I look great. That's all that matters," Tanoshi said. "You did a great job, Lex."

Lex beamed. "Thanks."

Yujin straightened his tie as he began wondering about something. "Say, is it weird how M4 is taking dates but S4 isn't?"

"Not really," said Zander. "They're an official unit from the school and we're just ... us. It's best if they don't take dates. Why? Did you want to ask one of them out?"

"No!" Yujin shook his head, trying to forget once again about what Kalani had said about him and Luna. "But even if I did I ask one of them, it would have just been friends."

"I think asking S4 would have been easier on us," said Tanoshi. "You know, since we know them better than anyone else."

"True," Lex nodded. Then he whispered to himself, "But still, going out with Avery is so much more BAM then any member of S4."


"This will do terrible wonders to my image," Miho said as she fussed with her dress as she and the rest of Rainbow Crescendo (-Kitara) headed over to the Song Class building.

"Come on, Miho," said Maru. "A group date with the four of us isn't the end of the world."

"Group dates are for groups of people who weren't able to get a date," Miho said.

"That's not true," said Rita.

"Come on, girl. Chin up!" said Cassie. "We're gonna have fun and we don't need any man to help us have fun."

"Except Izzy, Uli, and Avery all have dates and with M4 for goodness sake!" said Miho.

"Kitara-chan doesn't have a date," said Izzy.

"That's because she's part of S4!" said Miho.

"Inhale, Miho," Uli said. "Remember, breathe." Miho took a deep breath then exhaled. "Feeling better?"

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