The Intruders / Chapter 3

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I see him falling out of the sky, I exhale.

"My god. It's like being back in the war."

His power, I've never seen anyone have before.

"Is this what the Elders and the ancients looked like?"

I look back to see if Kai has hit the ground yet, instead I see him floating as if he's asleep, he slowly comes up, his eyes are pure blue, glowing.

"What the hell?" I whisper.

Kai shoots up into the sky, stopping right in front of Rain.

Rain slowly moves back, Kai slowly follows.

A ring of blue energy explodes from the sky.

Rain hits the ground in 2.1 seconds causing a massive earthquake, a storm of air flies all across the camp.

Kai descends down flying towards me.

Opening his hands, blue aura falls from Kai's hands wrapping itself around me, I feel power entering my veins restoring me.

I look to the side, Rain is right behind Kai, summoning a lightning strike.

Lightning strikes down from the sky, as a giant blue shield covers Kai, unaffected.

Turning around gracefully, Kai takes back into the sky affecting gravity. Hundreds of boulders rise, starting to circle around him, I begin to start floating. I see everything is rising. The lake slowly starts rising, and all the damage starts rising, anything not bolted to the ground starts rising. "Rain, Kai is an Auriel!" I scream. "He's the strongest Imperial, Kai has a direct connection to Mother Earth! He is her pure power, all the other six are factors, that is her makeup. None are like Auriel's. They were the only ones left to fight against Krios in the very end, and he still won. You need to fly away as fast as you can! When Auriel's enter a state of power, they are at their strongest, and utterly unaware of their emotions! When Kai blacked out, he saw you as an enemy. His power took over, and now he wants to finish you off.

Get as far away as possible! We can't have casualties here! Take your fight somewhere else!"

Dirt and dust cover his clothes. "Yes sir," Rain says, obediently.

"When I say go, fly!"




Rain takes off across the lake.

At once, boulders are hurled in his every direction, he maneuvers and makes it past the lake.

Nearing the border, Kai sends a boulder in front of Rain trapping him. Sending the rest hurling at Rain, he buries him alive.

I stare in shock.

The fight is over, Kai descends down slowly. His eyes turn back to brown, and he collapses on the floor along with everything else.


I jump awake and find myself in some room full of beds. Next to the one where I am, is Rain laying there peacefully. On the other side, is an old man who is staring at me.

A lady comes into the room she looks at me in shock, turning, she sets her meds down on the tray.

"Where am I?"

"You are in the infirmary, you overexerted yourself fighting with Rain," she answers.

"How long have I been out?"

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