The Coronation Of Elders/ Chapter 14

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 "The coronation is outside of the castle, on the steps of the palace.

The gates have been opened and many have come from different nations to see the new Elders," says Essy.

"When called, you will come out and meet the world as our new Elders," she says, fixing my hair.

Walking into the commons, the gigantic wooden door is open, letting in all the sunlight.

Sapphire, Essy, and I see the others dressed up as well. Xodus in a metallic grey armor and black cape, and Rain in all black armor, with a metallic grey cape. Aura in deep green armor and an apricot cape. Zackais in reddish orange armor and a black cape and Eve in all gold armor with a white cape as well.

"Well you all look stunning," says Sapphire.

"Just magnificent! Just magnificent!" says Essy, waving a silk fan excited.

Trumpets begin to go off as Essy freaks out heavily, "It's starting! It's starting!" she says, anxiously.

Peeking out to see what's going on, we see Prince Nuru making a grand entrance, as he walks up to the castle steps.

He is in silver armor, with a deep royal blue cape matching the flags all around the city.

Walking up the steps, we make eye contact, and he moves his finger to the left twice, letting us know we could be seen.

"Kai, put up a shield so they can't see us," whispers Rain.

"I was already thinking of it," as my energy goes door to door, and begins climbing up.

"Sealed," we all come out from the left and watch, where we would be fully exposed to the crowd.

"This is a glorious day, a day of remembrance, a day of peace, and a day of hope," says Prince Nuru.

"The future is bright, always has been, always will be, no matter what may come against us.

They have tried to disband us, to separate us as a nation, but our future is bright.

The future is bright not because of the sun or the moon that gives us light.

The future is bright not because we create a fire, or we have seer's sight.

The future is bright because every citizen, every being, and every race that chooses to stand for what's right, is why our future is bright.

Our future is bright based off of our communication, dedication, and innovation in the years waiting on this day.

Survival was the only thing we knew, and that everything we've worked hard for could end on any delay.

We are fighters, creators, and engineers striving for a place in this world.

Ewa gives all abundantly, if only we seek her.

Our future is bright, because today we have new Elders, today marks the day the darkness begins to be cast out.

A new era begins today, of peace, prosperity, and a cleansing of darkness.

I am proud to introduce to you the new Elders," he says, while four women walk towards him in their hands a pillow with crowns on it.

"Zackais Neveris Jr," says Prince Nuru.

"Go! Go! Go!" we say, whispering excitingly.

Z makes his way down the steps, his cape flowing behind him.

Standing next to him Prince Nuru picks up his golden crown and places it on his head, a band of trapped fire goes through the slit of the crown all around it.

"Elder of Argi, rise and take your place," lifting his head Z nods and walks away, making room for the rest of us, as he confidently surveys the crowd.

"Xodus Ta'ka Linvaru," says Prince Nuru.

Xodus walks through the shield, and takes his time getting to Prince Nuru.

"Strength of the clans let your might, lead us into a new generation.

Elder of Edur, Rise and take your place."

"Rain Soho Chang," says Prince Nuru.

Coming out of the shield, Rain floats in the air making his way towards Prince Nuru, majestically.

Descending Prince Nuru places his golden crown on his head as he touches the earth.

"To the Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern skies, may your kingdom flourish.

King of Winds, Elder of Ren, Rise and take your place."

"Sapphire Ebusi Claytok," says Prince Nuru.

Walking up to Prince Nuru, she nods slowly.

"May your fire purge the earth, may your lava be forever hot, may your spirit be forever fierce,

Elder of Akos, Rise and take your place."

"Aura fe' Lulani," says Prince Nuru.

Smiling, she pops out of the shield and makes her way down as calmly as she can.

Placing her crown on her head, "Voice of the trees, Protector of life, Giver of Tranquility,

Elder of Ecos, Rise and take your place."

"Eve Ishii Panjwani," says Prince Nuru.

Eve walks down the steps head high, in full authority she politely kneels her head down, greeting Prince Nuru.

"Author and finisher, Giver of Life, Taker of death.

Reaper of souls, Elder of Kuro, Rise and take your place."

"Kai N'cota Wazai," says Prince Nuru, calling me last.

Releasing the shield, I come into the sunlight that I may be seen, bathing in the sunlight, I begin to hover over the steps flawlessly, and smoothly reaching Prince Nuru.

Bending my head, he places a silver crown on my head, with diamonds embezzled inside of it.

"Voice of Ewa, Protector of Mother Earth, may you reign supreme.

Elder of Auriel, Rise and take your place," he says, firmly.

Raising my head, I grip him on his shoulder giving thanks as I step in front of him.

Surveying the crowd, I see dwarfs, elves, and many other creatures, smiling happily at me.

"I do not know the future, but I know faith," I say aloud.

"Faith has guided me this whole way, without faith we wouldn't be standing here today.

I've learned it is okay to not know what is next, or where to go? But faith in your friends and comrades will not fail you.

We will unite as one nation, together no more separate empires to become a unit.

We will become a force to be reckoned with so if ... anyone! Anything! Any creation!

Dare try to attack us, they shall face the wrath of nations!

Attack one, attack all! We are stronger together than separated.

I've had the chance to see what the past Elders lacked in, and what they didn't do. We will fulfill the will of Ewa. We will guide this world into a new age, life will be born from these ashes.

All nations have had it rough in our absence, but that time is no more!

Let us rise to greatness and fulfill our purpose! And take back Ewa!" I say, yelling.

The crowd goes instantly into cheers, some cry, some stare in awe and humility.

Surveying the crowd, I hear Ewa's voice.

"It is finished."

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