Chapter Seven-The game

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It's Friday the game is in a few hours and I'm trying to figure out what to wear. All throughout the week, Blair has seemed less menacing and more flirty towards me. I'm not sure if it's just because she knows how I feel about her or that she feels the same way. The day of the locker room is still going through my head as I try to decide a dress. Looking at my options there is a lace burgundy one or an emerald green one.

I opted for the burgundy lace one because I like how the sleeves are long and the dress flows out at the skirt. It's modest but fashionable and I didn't want to be one of those girls that wear a dress so short it looks like a long top. Next, I curled my hair in beach waves that framed my face nicely.


When it is time I walk down the stairs and grabbed my over-the-body-strap bag that has little flowers embroidered on it. I heard a chuckling noise behind me and turned around to see my annoying little brother Marcus.

I ruffled my hand in his hair which he didn't cover with a beanie for once.

"Hey!" He exclaimed slapping my hand away.

I laughed in response then said, "Why were you chuckling and smirking at me then?"

"I just never thought the day would come when I would see you in a dress."

"I wear dresses," I protested.

"During all of the summer, you wore black jeans or blue ones." He pointed out with an annoying grin.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door because I knew what he said was true but it's not that I don't like dresses there are just so many risks whilst wearing them. Like what happens when there's a strong breeze it's already bad at school with the skirts.


Walking out the door I could hear my black heels that have a little bow on the strap around the ankle. Tess's mum is driving us to the game which I'm happy about because she is probably the nicer mum out of my friends' parents.

I got into the car and was instantly met with Queen music, Queen is her favourite band and that's one of the reasons I started to love Queen. At the moment 'Killer Queen' is playing but soon switches over to in my opinion the best Queen song 'Don't stop me now'.


After a few more Queen songs and some awful singing from Tess, April, Tess's Mum and I, we finally arrive just in time.

I go and grab some popcorn and coke while Tess and April go to the seats.

Walking up the bleachers I can already hear the crowd cheering and laughing from the buzz of waiting for the game to begin.


The game is exciting with the crowd going wild at the players and cheering and booing. It was honestly more exciting than I'd thought. All the cheerleaders are wearing the school's colours and over people even have it painted on their face.


Once the game is over I walk off the bleachers and feel someone grab my wrist and pull me behind the bleachers. Before I could ask why Blair had pulled me behind the bleacher I felt her lips collide with mine. Her lips are soft and sweet from her red lipstick glazed with a gloss. She pulled my hips closer to hers and wrapped her arms around my waist. Without thinking I fell into the kiss and wrapped my arms behind her neck. Blair pulled me closer to her trying to get rid of the invisible distance.

Blair pulled my hair slightly making me gasp allowing her for entrance. Her tonged moves around my mouth in sync with my own.

Once we need oxygen she pulls away and rests her forehead on mine.

"Wow," was all I could manage to say.

She laughed slightly and repeated after me saying "Wow."

Then reality came crashing back. This is real life. My crush just kissed me. My crush who has a boyfriend.

I quickly went away leaving Blair there behind the bleachers.


"I don't remember you wearing red lipstick," April teased knowingly as we waited for Tess.

I wiped my mouth quickly taking away the only evidence of what happened had. The only evidence that said that this isn't some dream that my brain has conjured up.

"So who did you kiss? Was it Blair?" April asked with a wide grin.

"H-how-" But I cut myself off as Tess came bouncing over to us.

"Time to party girls!" Tess exclaimed then got a tube of lip gloss out of her bag to reapply the gloss that had worn of from eating popcorn and drinking drinks.

As we went to the party the only thought that entered my mind was that April knows about Blair and me, which isn't really surprising since she's always hinted it like she just knows. But even though April is one of my best friends I couldn't help the slightly uneasy feeling at the bottom of my stomach.


Thank you if you have enjoyed this part I will try to update soon.


My crush on the Cheerleader (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now