Chapter thirty three-Manipulative liar

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Today is the day of the play, which I have to watch because Tess and April are in it. I tried to be excited today but what happened yesterday made it hard. Although I did feel a bit better after realising that I'd bet mums baby would be a girl, so I made Marcus give me the £10 to his dismay, but he had to do as promised and gave me the money this morning. After all, I rightfully deserved it.

The play is after school and I'd managed to somehow persuade my parents so I could go. I think my dad thought that there would be no way for anything to happen with Blair and I. Luckily my parents couldn't book tickets because they were all sold out but Blair and I got ours a while ago. If I was going to sit through this play I made sure that Blair would too.


After school, everyone is heading to the drama theatre where the performance is going to be. I find Blair outside her last class and head to the room with her. We go to the seating area picking out some seats that have a nice view of the stage.

"I need to show you something," I started getting right to the point.

"Okay?" Blair asked dubiously.

I got the letter out of my bag ready to show her. Opening up the letter I gave it to her with the picture stashed inside. She looked at it with a mixture of a worried and curious expression on her face.

"Wow, well obviously we're not going to break up," Blair said shocked.

"Aren't you worried about what the person will do?" I cautioned.

"Yeah but we don't know who could have done this so we'll have to wait," she replied trying to stay calm although her voice went higher at the end.

"They know where we live!" I whisper-shouted.

"I know and It's freaking me the fuck out but we have to stay calm," Blair said exasperated.

"Fine. I'll try to stay calm," I responded mumbling whilst fiddling with my hands in my lap.

The lights went down meaning the play is starting soon.


All the characters look amazing and really suit their part.

"Hey I didn't know Tess would be this good at playing the part of a manipulative liar," I whispered to Blair smirking.

"Yeah, and who would've thought April could be that nice?" Blair joked.

"Haha very funny," I deadpanned.

"What she's never been really nice to me," Blair whispered with a slight laugh.

"Hey April is nice," I protested.

"To you," she said with a wink.

My cheeks instantly heated up although I get the satisfaction that it's dark enough so Blair just about won't see.


The play ended with a chorus of cheers and clapping as the cast came on stage bowing in unison. It was surprisingly good; I ended up really enjoying it.

We got up from the seating area and went backstage to see my friends. They were by the backstage area waiting for me.

"You guys were amazing!" I congratulated pulling them into a hug.

"Thanks, it was so much fun!" Tess replied ecstatically.

"Yeah!" April agreed grinning.


We left them to go get changed and I wanted to spend some time with Blair. I pulled her towards me whispering in her ear "Does that offer from yesterday still stands?"

"Yeah, but what about your parents?" she asked incredulously.

"I told them the play ends latter than it does and they believed me for some reason," I replied smugly.

"Okay, my parents aren't home and my sister is camping with some of her friends," Blair said as we walk out of school.



Blair opened the front door pulling me into the hallway. I giggled in return excited. After closing the door she pulled my closer so our lips are just brushing against each other.

"Let's go upstairs," she whispered in my ear creating waves of shivers run down my body.


Closing the door to her bedroom Blair gently pushed me against it. She met her lips with mine her arms around my waist feeling my curves. I wrapped my arms around her neck wanting to be closer to her. Blair pulled away slightly kissing against my jawline down to my collarbone. She trailed the kisses back up to my mouth gently biting on my bottom lip asking for entrance. I didn't hesitate to let her tongue slip into my mouth. We moved in sync with each other. She broke the kiss to lead me over to the bed pushing me carefully down on it. Blair went on the bed hovering over me kissing me again. As the kiss grew deeper she lifted the hem of my top.

"You're sure you want this?" She asked pulling away, her voice raspy.

"Yes," I panted connecting our lips again.


We laid in her bed next to each other. I felt amazing. Blair ran her hand through my hair placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I love you," I said leaning into her touch as she moved her hand to caress my face.

"I love you too," she replied looking deeply into my eyes.


"What's the time?" I asked curiously not wanting this moment to end.

Blair leaned down to grab her blazer that has her phone in it. She told me the time which was nearly the time I'd told my parents I'd be home. Grabbing my clothes I quickly put them on.

"I need to go," I said then kissed her quickly.

"Okay," Blair replied sounding like she understood.

"Bye I love you!" I shouted nearly running out of the house.

"I love you too," I heard her call back.


When I got home I was happy to find that my parents weren't home yet.

"Why's your hair so messy," Marcus said making me jump.

"None of your business," I snapped.

Marcus looked at me like he was demanding an explanation.

"Let's just say I'm definitely a lesbian," I replied smirking as I made my way upstairs.

"Eww," he called back making me laugh.


The only thing I could think about was Blair. How she made me feel and memories of tonight. I listened to some music and got ready for bed. Today was a good day.


Thank you if you read this chapter. The next one will be up soon. Btw I fixed the picture thing in Blair's house because some people mentioned it so thx if you did :) anyway now it all goes together better XD

Also thank you for the votes and comments <3

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