Chapter forty two-Coffee

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April and I held hands as we walked along town. We went into a little coffee shop that is on the corner of the street.

As we walk in it's somehow cosy yet open. There are quite a few windows surrounding the place and a rustic kind of look for the tables and decor. We sat down at the table by the window that looks out to the ongoing street that has a crowd of people milling along with their day.

"I'll got order, what would you like?" April asked with a bright smile.

"I'd like an iced latte please," I replied with a slight grin.


April came back to the table with our drinks and set them down.

"Thanks," I mumbled taking a sip of the beautiful drink.

"You're welcome," she responded with another smile.

My finger traced along the rim of the cup as I thought of what to say. I didn't think it'd be this hard. After all we've been friends for years.

"So hows life?" I questioned awkwardly.

"Okay I guess although I really liked Gareth," she whispered the last part looking down sadly.

I looked at her from across the table and took her hand in mine.

"I loved Blair but we have to move on and this could be the perfect way," I replied with a smile she looked up at me gazing into my eyes.

"I guess you're right," she responded nodding her head slightly with a shy smile.


The conversation went smoothly from then on talking about random things like school and what we've been doing lately. Although I decided not to tell her that I'm being stalked and Marcus found out and told the police. After all I wanted this date to go well, or I tried to convince myself I did. I know I have to get over Blair, it's unfair for her to go around kissing someone else.

We collected our things and walked out the door. Suddenly I bashed into someone.

"Sorry," I said than raised my head to see who it is.

Blair looked back at me with pain and tears welled in her green eyes. Her platinum blonde hair is nearly pulled away from her face displaying how tired she is that not even makeup could cover. Her bags under her eyes looked worse then ever and I can't help but feel a wave of guilt wash over me.

"It's okay," she replied looking at her friends who are giving her piecing looks. Her 'friends' are always bitchy when they see me and I guess that hasn't changed now Blair and I have broken up.

"Let's go," April said taking my hand and walked away.

I looked back over my shoulder at the girl I used to trust so much. She looked at me wiping an escaped tear with her hand.

"Come on!" I heard her friends hiss dragging her along in the other direction.


April and I got to my house. Thinking about needing to move on from Blair I pulled April forward entwining both our hands together. My arms wrapped around her waist as I placed my lips on hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me even closer. Her lips do not feel like Blair's. She does have the same sparks that I feel when I'm with Blair. This feels weird but I need to try and forget about her I'm kissing April.

We pulled away from each other looking at her I thought, what if this is actually the right thing to do?


For the last few weeks I've been seeing April but we hadn't made it official until around a week ago. At the moment I'm sat on the sofa texting April whilst smiling. She'd made me feel a little better over the last few weeks.

"Hi, have you had anymore messages from the stalker?" Marcus asked coming into the room.

"Nope," I responded popping the 'p'.

"Don't you think it's kind of weird?" Marcus replied fiddling with a lose thread on his black long-sleeved jumper.

"What do you mean?" I questioned looking at him curiously.

"Well you know...ever since you've started dating April it's all stopped," he stated.

"So you're blaming my girlfriend?!" I exclaimed more out of shock then anger, I know things didn't go well for us at first but for her to stoop so low to physically hurt me and my ex-girlfriend seems completely irrational.

"More like suggesting that it could be...," He replied his voice going higher at the end "You and I both know it could be."

It did kind of make sense. April was in love with me, I rejected her then started dating Blair, April could be jealous. I need answers. Getting up from the sofa I started to run to Aprils house.


Having forgotten that I'm a terrible runner I fell over a few times and am now out of breath with a stitch in my side. I should probably start running more.

Going up to April's front door I start to feel my anger rise. I started to pound on the front door giving up on even trying to be patient.

"Woah Addison are you okay?" April asked once she'd opened the door.

Some rush of frustration and anger came over me, it's like I suddenly couldn't control my actions. My hand moved too fast I hadn't realised I'd done it until it had happened. I slapped her. Snapping back into reality I looked at April in shock of what I'd done. My hands are shaking and tears for frustration came out my eyes.  Why did I do that? That was unbelievably stupid even for me!

"What was that for?!" She demanded looking more hurt then when I told her I didn't like her in a romantic way. Why do I always mess everything up?

Pulling myself back together I remembered why I'm here.

"Why would you even have to ask that after everything you've done?" I exclaimed enraged.

April looked at me in confusion.

"I don't understand what have I done?" April asked calming down slightly.

"So you haven't been stalking me? Tormenting me for months?" I questioned confused. Have I got this wrong?

"No Addison I haven't!" April snapped "You're being stalked? Have you told anyone? Please tell me you've at least told the police." She sighed.

"Yeah Blair, Marcus and the police but they haven't come up with anything. Well Marcus suggested that it could have been you," I replied slightly embarrassed from getting it wrong. More like mortified but I'm trying not to think about it.

"What about Tess she's been busy lately and it could be anyone you might as well ask around," April suggested.

"I don't think Tess would do such a thing," I replied.

"And I would? You know what I've had enough of all this drama and you not trusting me we're over," April said before slamming the door in my face.

It didn't hurt much. I knew I could never truly love April my heart has already been taken by Blair.

But right now I need to find Tess.

Then everything might finally make sense.


Hi thank you if you have read so far. I'll try to update soon. Sorry if some stuff didn't make sense it should in the next chapter.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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