Chapter Eight-The party

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The booming music is blasting throughout the house, it was already crowded form people at the game. I walked to the kitchen with my friends and I grabbed a beer from the fridge. As I opened the ring pull on the top of the can it made a clicking sound . The cool liquid tasted vile down my throat but I carried on drinking it to look cool in front of my friends.

The night grew darker and I felt a buzz from the drinks I'd drank, my stomach didn't feel as much like I wanted to be sick but instead got use to the horrible taste. At every corner of the room there were people making out with one another ignoring the people dancing by them. Even as the night progressed the music didn't go down but got louder, so loud that I could hear a faint ringing sound in my ears.

From the corner of my eye I can see Kyle and Blair making out, even though I know they are dating I could help but feel a pang of jealousy. Especially because just a few hours ago she was kissing me. Feeling a rush of anger I stormed out the room before I do something I'll regret.

"Hey." I heard a low voice boom behind me, turning around I see a tall guy with a grey jumper on and black jeans. His hair is tussled in a messy kind of way and his build is muscular like a footballer. He's tall, a lot taller then me and most people in my year.

"Hi," I said slightly confused as to why he is speaking to me. Looking at his face slightly confused I remembered his name is Gareth and that I sit next to him in History class. He is one of those slightly annoying guys but gets away with it from his charm.

Getting straight to the point I asked him bluntly "Why are you speaking to me?"

"Wow, that was forward," he said rolling his eyes playfully but it was hard to see in the dim lights of the room with the occasional flashing of colour from the disco ball situated so it swirls patterns on the ceiling mainly, but also around the room.

"Just get to the point-" I got cut off by his lips landing on mine, the kiss is sloppy from where his is quite clearly drunk. I pulled away as soon as my mind registered that he was kissing me and I nearly shivered. Yep I definitely like girls. Standing a few steps away I could still smell the alcohol fuming off him.

"I-I'm s-so-rry," He said his words slow and slurred from being so drunk. Without saying another word I walked away, as I left the hallway we were standing in I saw Blair coming through the open door from the living room where her and Kyle were just a few minutes ago with a jealous look on her face mixed with a hint of hurt which made me think that she saw everything. I felt a grasp on my wrist and looked to see Blair pulling me to the door.

"Are you trying to make me jealous!" She hissed obviously mad.

"Why, are you?" I asked smugly.

"No! Why would I?!" She exclaimed loudly with a hysterical laugh.

"Well you kissed me a few hours ago and the make out with your boyfriend, then you complain at me for Garett kissing me even though I quite clearly didn't expect it! And to top it all of you drag me outside into the front garden to yell at me while there are people passed out nearby!" I rambled angrily.

"So Garett kissed you?" She asked slightly more relaxed.

"Yes," I replied calmly.

"Good," Blair said curtly her eyes gleaming from the street lights and the light that came out from the windows of the house.

"How's that-" But before I could finish she walked away down the street the only sound that followed was the faint clicking of her heels.

I walked back to the party and somehow found my friends in the mass of people, I told them I had to go and that I would see them soon.

My stomach was still twisted in nots from butterflies, all the way home a huge smile covered my face.
Thank you so much if you have enjoyed this story so far also if you have voted on it. (Btw I do not condone underage drinking it was for the purpose of this being a teen party and not real life). Sorry this part is a bit shorter the next one will probably be longer.

The next part should be up soon.

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