❤️When You're Scared Of Thunder

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L was still up in the middle of the night working on some cases while a storm roared outside the hotel.

"This better not shut off the power." He mumbled, saving his documents just in case.

He then heard foot steps patter behind him. Turning around, he saw you have woken up, your hair a mess and a grim expression on your face.

"What's wrong, (y/n)?" He asked.

"I just couldn't sleep." You said and jumped when a clap of thunder sounded outside.

L gave a small smile and opened his arms. You quickly made your way over to him before another boom went through the sky.

"It'll be okay." He said as you fell back to sleep, feeling safe in his embrace.

You were hanging out at Light's house, surprisingly not studying. Instead, you two watched a movie.

"I'm going to get something to drink." You said as you walked to the kitchen.

Getting a glass of tea, you watched the rain hit the window as you drank your beverage. After, you were about to walk out of the kitchen when there was a loud boom outside. You let out a small scream and covered your ears. You've been afraid of thunder since you were a kid.

Hearing the scream, Light rushed to you. "What's wrong?!" He asked.

You ran and hugged him, your ears still covered as more thunder broke through.

Light rubbed your back, comforting you.

"It's really pouring outside." Matt said as he looked out the window.

"Mhmm." You murmured from underneath your cocoon of blankets.

He raised a brow. "Why are you wrapped up like that?"

"Because-" You started until thunder roared to life outside. You quickly wiggled your way deeper into the blankets.

Matt chuckled and got under the blankets too, cuddling you until the storm passed.

"You can fight monsters and battle bosses but you can't handle a little thunder?" He asked in amusement.

You rolled your eyes. "You're such a nerd, Matt." You said as you cuddled into him.

You and Mello walked out of the movie theatre and it started raining.

"Luckily I used my car today." He said. You were about to answer until a loud crack was heard outside. You latched onto the back of Mello, nearly knocking him over. Thunder was much louder when outside with it, which scared you more.

He laughed and hugged you. "It's not funny." You mumbled into his chest.

"I'll protect you from the bad thunder." Mello joked. You smiled a little.

He bent down and told you to get on his back. You did and he ran you to the car, making you laugh by splashing in puddles on the way.

"Almost there..."You said as you concentrated on putting the last card on the tower. Suddenly, thunder boomed loudly, causing you to flinch and knock all the cards down. You didn't care though as you covered your ears and shut your eyes.

You felt soft hands remove your hands from your ears. "Are you okay, (y/n)?" Near asked.

You gave a sloppy smile. "U-uh yeah."

Near knew you were afraid of thunder so he sat you on his lap while he talked to you, taking your mind off the mess outside.

Matsuda was at home working on some background reports when his phone rang.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Matsuda, can you come over?" You asked nervously over the other end. Thinking something was wrong, he agreed and made his way over to your place.

When he got there, you quickly pulled him inside. "What's wrong?" Matsuda asked worriedly. Thunder and rain from the storm outside cracked through the air, making you jump in fright.

Matsuda realized what was wrong and sat you down, telling you everything will be okay.

Death Note Boyfriend Scenarios/One Shots! (Death Note Wattys/Golden Apple 2016)Where stories live. Discover now