Power Of The Princess

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Vampire Clans


Moroi are said to be very beautiful. Moroi's skin is described as being very pale and their bodies are slim and tall. Moroi are much taller and slimmer than humans. Due to their slim bodies, female Moroi in general have smaller breasts and slimmer hips than the men, who are usually more curvaceous. These traits attract the attention of Moroi males. Moroi females are described as possessing a supernatural beauty.

Most Moroi do not feel comfortable being in the sunlight, though they still can be outside during the day time. Often Moroi can use magic, the length of their magical capabilities. Moroi use the elements earth, water, and air. It is common for a Moroi to specialize in one of the elements: air, fire, earth, water or spirit, the element spirit being forgotten for a long time. Moroi who specialized in the spirit element were thought to have not specialize at all. Moroi also have a special ability called compulsion which forces their will onto their victim through eye contact. Their clan symble is a Golden Lilly on their cheek

Moroi have enhanced abilies such as: Regenerative Healing Factorn Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced, Intelligence, Enhanced Memory, Enhanced Charisma, Strong persuasion, Supernatural Beauty, Self-control, Elements and Compulsion

Their clan weakness are a silver stake they can either be injured or killed if any of the silver hits their heart.


The Daeva evoke the image of vampires as seductive, decadent, sexually transgressive predators who blur lust and hunger together, equating the act of feeding with sensual pleasure. Unrivaled in their grace and passion, the Daeva attract worship and jealousy from Kine and Kindred alike, but their insatiable hunger for pleasure and sensations old and new, and the inevitable frustration of wanting to experience human emotions make a quick road towards personality disintegration and surrender to the beast.

Daeva are inherently gifted in the vampiric Disciplines of Celerity (superhuman speed), Vigor (superhuman strength), and Majesty (the ability to attract, sway, and control the emotions of others). Their clan weakness is an extreme difficulty in resisting indulging their vices. A Daeva who has an opportunity to indulge his favorite vice and fails to do so finds his resolve weakened. Of course, indulging Vice carries its own drawbacks such as accelerated loss of humanity.The Clan's symbol is a rose entwined on a dagger. They are often called Succubi, even if they are male.


The Gangrel embody the idea of vampires as predatory feral demons. An upper level in the feeding chain with little or no interest in humans as anything other than food, they represent vampirism as crude predation and evoke ideas of basic instinct, untamed ferocity and freedom that are commonly associated with predators. Gangrel hunt alone or in packs and frequently adopt nomadic unlifestyles, rejecting the shackles of a pseudo-civilized unlife for bestial freedom. They favor the virtues of self: self-awareness, self-reliance and self-confidence, and often turn to introspective contemplation of their own beasts from which spiritual insight and supernatural power can be gained - the mad-eyed savages are frequently revered as vagrant wise-men with unique perspectives on the vampiric condition and are unrivaled in the ease with which they summon the beast forth and ride the frenzy. 

But this very same intimacy with the raging Beast might make it easier for it to erode the rest of a Gangrel's soul in the long run. It also makes their baser instincts cloud more reasoned thought sometimes, this is represented by penalties in some mental-based dice pools. Gangrel are inherently apt at the Disciplines of Animalism (spirit based communication and control over the Beasts of nature and the Beasts within vampires' souls), Resilience (supernatural physical toughness), and Protean (shapeshifting).The clan's symbol is a stylized brush-stroke rendition of a predator's eye, seemingly made up of various animals.

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