Chapter One

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                                                              Chapter One

                                                        I was sitting against the window of my room looking out to the town with a book in my lap,  I loved to read it was one of the many things I could do. I am the vampire Princess and my life is harder than what people think, I have to make choices that are hard and I was only 16. I sighed to myself as I watched the leaves move against the unseen wind. I heard a soft knock on my door which I answered with a come in, I turned to see my parents walking in and they didn't look happy.

"Whats wrong?" I asked them as I faced them

"The Gangrel clan has started to plan a war with us, Angel we are taking you to another realm where the Daeva clan lives and you must stay there until the war is over. You are the only person who can lead if we die, so we must protect you at all costs" Mother said gripping my dads arm.

I couldn't understand why but I had to do what my parents tell me to do, and besides maybe seeing other vampire clans may help me in the future. I packed a few things and headed out with my parents, we got to this gate I didn't know what it was until I saw on the other side a castle made of gold and all the villagers living in small huts, I couldn't help but smile.

"Prince Harry knows you are coming when you reach the castle knock three times and tell the guards who you are. They will know by your symbol" My father said kissing my left cheek before stepped backwards while my mother hugged me.

"Go now our darling we love you" Mother said before pulling away, I nodded and waved a gentle goodbye before walking through the gate.

It made my way through the village and people stared at me wondering who the hell I was, as I reached the doors of the castle I knocked three times to see man in silver armor open it.

"What can I do for you?" The man asked.

"I am here to see Prince Harry" I said and the man looked at me before stepping aside. 

"Right this way, Lord Harry is in his quarters I will take you there" the guard said closing the door before walking down the long corridor filled with paintings and their family tree.

We stood in front of a door the guardsman knocking.

"My lord there is a girl here to see you" The guardsman said through the door, I could hear Harry's feet shuffle against the ground before opening the door.

Harry looked at me and instantly knew who I was like my parents said, "Princess Angel you made it. Thank you Eric" Harry said to the guardsman named Eric.

Eric smiled and left the corridor, Harry stepped aside allowing me into his room. I took a deep breath and stepped in hearing the door close behind me.

"Welcome Princess Angel to the Daeva clan, your mother and father did a great thing sending you here, you are a member of my clan until you can return back to your home. I am the leader of this clan since my mother and father had past away, but to I go by Prince Harry or my lord. You Angel do not have to call me that, you will be treated with respect and be treated like on of us. You are allowed to command people below us like Warriors,  guardsman and helpers. Everything you do outaise the castle must go through me and your room is just across from me so if you need anything give me a shout" Harry said.

"Thank you Harry for letting me stay here on such short notice too" I said.

"No problem Angel" Harry said and walked out my room signaling me to follow so I did, Harry gave me a quick tour of the castle. "Also Angel dinner is at 7 every night we eating in the big dining hall" Harry said showing me the dining room. 

I nodded and kept my pace up with Harry, man he was a fast walker. Our last stop was the council room where they have meetings or want to discuss something in private. We entered the large study where everyone was waiting for Harry to introduce me... Why must I be introduced? Why is it only my clan that is fighting? I asked myself questions before Harry's voice dragged me out of it.

"Angel these are my warriors Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Yoshitaka Blake and Louis Tomlinson. Our guards Isaiah Wolff, Rosetta Drake, Serena Nicoletti, Vladimir Solomon,  Chris Blake and Archer Williams. My warriors and guards meet Princess Angel from the Moroi Clan" Harry said.

All at once I heard 'hi's' it was kind of weird to have all eyes on me, I didn't even know what to say so I stayed quiet and looked down a bit before hearing a little knock at the door.

"Come in" Harry said and a little girl walked in "Lux where is your mum?" Harry contuined on picking the little girl up.

"Mummy went to the village to get something for daddy, he no doing to well" Lux said.

Everyone left the room, did that mean me too even if I didn't I followed everyone out walking towards my room where I opened the door and closed it as I walked in and layed out the clothes I packed along with my book. I hated the fact I couldn't be there with my parents, I wanted to help them fight but I could see in my eyes they thought I wasn't ready but I am. I want to prove to my parents that I can fight and be the best queen ever.


I was in my room with Lux as she talked about what happened with her dad, it seems he was bitten by a Gangrel which means his body will change into what they are and nothing can save them. I fear the worst for Louise (Lou for short) and Lux, I couldn't bare it if they got killed, I wanted them to be safe called for Yoshitaka he was one of the best warriors there was and always wanted to help.  

A few minutes later I heard his knock on my bedroom down, I told him to come in.

"Yes Prince Harry" Yoshitaka said.

"Take Lux to the village to get her mother I want them brought back here and find them a spare room" I said.

"Yes of course Prince" Yoshitaka said and picked Lux up fron my bed and walked out, I am the godfather of Lux, I love seeing Lux smile it makes me so happy.

I sighed and sat up on my bed and looked out of my bedroom window to see the sun setting in the west, I could tell all the animals were going to sleep and so were the little girls and boys who lived in the village bellow. I watched as the silver leaves on the trees began to glisten as the setting sun hit them. The green grass turning to a version of red and I couldn't help but smile, I never noticed how beautiful it was until a few days ago. I was hoping Yoshitaka, Lou and Lux were alright, I heard Lux's footsteps along with Lou's.

"Hazza!" Lux squealed outside my door, I stood up and opened it letting Lou and Lux in, "Thanks Yoshitaka,  you may go to your room" I continued

Yoshitaka nodded before he smiled and walked off, I closed the door behind me and hugged Lou. All she did was cry in my chest and I held her close,  kissing her forehead before pulling away.

"You can stay here in the castle, tonight you two sleep in here. Take the bed I'll sleep on the couch" I said

"Thank you Harry that means a lot" Lou said.

"Your like family to me, and I will do anything and everything for them" I said.

Lou smiled and laid down on the bed, Lux following after. I smiled at them kissing their foreheads before changing into my boxes and falling asleep on the couch.


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