Chapter Five

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Chapter 5





My whole body hurt, like I  had something logged inside it was I alive? I could hear Harry's voice it was very near but was too weak to open my eyes. I could move my arms and legs but couldn't open my eyes yet so I felt around me I was laying on something soft could it be a bed? Was I in Harry's room? I heard the sound of movement as someone sat on the bed. i was pretty sure it was Harry because there was a sweet smell coming off his body.

"Angel it's alright I am here your safe now nothing can hurt you" Harry said he took my hands in his stroking then gently he was trying his best to reassure me. My body reacted by calming down and relaxing into the bed softness, I squeezed his hand telling him I believed him.

I felt Harry squeezed my hand back, "Your safe now you don't have to open your eyes Angel but do you remember anything about what I said during the time I cured you or anything before that" Harry asked.

I squeezed his hand twice meaning yes and whimpered slightly at the memory of the stake. I felt Harry touch my hair and move it back behind my ear and lean down his lips were warm to the touch as if he had just fed as he kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry" I said by squeezing my hand against his.

"Your forgiven I know it must be heard on you with the war and everything that's going on I wasn't the only one who was worried about you, Luna is going out of her mind with worry, I asked Niall to stay with her she thought she really lost you for a moment Angel and so did I" Harry said I could hear his voice breaking.

I finally found the strength to open my eyes but everything still hurt I liked looking into Harry's eyes though I saw him smile,

"I tried to run from him Harry I really did" I cried it hurt to talk, but there was no judgement in Harry's eyes. 

Harry slid his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest and was stroking my hair I found the motion soothing, "I believe you honey I'm going to kill Edward and nobody is going to stop me I am going to make sure he never tries to hurt you again angel" harry said.

"He was so strong even his men, I tried to fight I did but I couldn't. he just laughed as he was staking me, he didn't even care and his face was so evil and I never thought I would see a Gangrel like he was" I cried, I couldn't calm down. "I failed everyone and now I feel useless because I couldn't stop him" I continued I broke into uncontrollable sobs.

I heard Harry sigh and took a hold of my shoulders making me look up into his eyes, "Listen to me Angel you are not useless understand me! your a good person you have failed no one your people are strong and they need you to stay safe and lead them even without your parents they will continue to fight for their freedom for their peace and for the life they desire they will never give up, use the desires of your people to give yourself strength and you will have the willpower to overcome anything angel "Harry said his eyes burned with belief.

"I don't know if I can rule Harry, I can't do it on my own, I-I want you by my side but I am scared Edward will kill you and I couldn't handle it if you died, I know I only just met you but my heart and soul tells me you are the person I am meant to Marry, Maybe that is why my parents sent me here was to become your girlfriend and than wife" I continued to him, wincing as pain shot through my stomach.

"Take it easy angel you are still healing I can't bear the thought of losing you like i thought I had last night I told you I loved you and I meant it I will get Edward before he can kill me I promise Angel" Harry said moving a stray hair behind my ear.

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