Chapter Four

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                Chapter Four


I ran towards my home since we were in the middle of the war, I grabbed my swords which I placed on my bag and carried my back. I quickly ran out when I heard Gangrel shouting to search the houses, I made my way to the realm gate closing my eyes stepping through it and when I opened my eyes I saw red grass and sliver leaves and I couldn't help but smile. This place was beautiful no wonder the Daeva live here, I mean I would if I had the chance, I heard shouting so I turned to see guards running up towards me.

"You want are you doing here? No one should come through the realm gate this realm is under-lock down" A guard said to me

"I-I came to see m-my friend Angel" I said scared a little, why was this realm under lock down?"

"Oh and I am sorry but we must speak to our Lord before you see Angel, due to this lock down no one can see anyone in the castle without his permission" Another guard said this time it was a girl, I nodded and followed the guards to the castle.

I watched as we walked towards the castle, the pebble ground leading towards the castle made of gold and it was the most beautiful sight, the gates around the castle were silver and bold. The guards pushed the big castle doors opened and we stepped in the shining hallway, the guards walked down the long and narrow hall way which looked longer as we walked, reminded me of the Moroi castle only the castle was made of diamond and glistened in the sun and it made everyone smile in the morning because they knew they were safe. We stopped in front of the door and one of the guards knocked on the door.

"My lord we have a girl here who is here to see Angel" A guard said.

The Lord opened the door, "Angel is feeding at the moment, leave her with me" He said.

"Yes my lord" The guard said.

The lord stepped aside allowing me to walk into his study, he shut the door behind him after the guards had walked in as well and looked at me.

"Angel is feeding at the moment so this girl will stay with me until Angel is finished" The Lord of the realm said.

"Yes my lord" one of the guards said and left, the girl guard was in here with us so she could protect the lord just in case I went to hurt him which was understandable he was the Lord of the Daeva realm and I wondered what happened to his parents.

"So what is your name?" The lord asked me.

"I am Luna and yours?" I asked.

"I am Harry but you have to call me either Prince Harry or My Lord" Prince Harry said.

"Nice to finally meet you" I said

"Why are you here? I mean I thought the Moroi's were in war? Is the war finished?" Prince Harry asked me

"No Prince Harry I am sorry but the war is still going and I have come also to tell Angel her parents have gone missing" I said

"What do you mean Angel's parents are missing?" Prince Harry asked, why did he seem so shocked?

"Yes, my lord I watched them get taken away on the battlefield I tried to get them but they disappeared, I thought you knew but why are you so shocked?" I asked Prince Harry. 

He sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Queen Carly gave me a letter a few days ago and no I didn't know I thought they were still fighring" Prince Harry said before a knock came on the door.

"My lord, Angel has finished feeding" a guard said.

"Thank you Sophia please bring Angel in" Prince Harry said and a few moments past and the door opened to reveal Angel and when she spotted me she squealed and hugged me.

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