[28] Stop!

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CHAPTER 28- Stop!

Wilmer's POV

I swirled the amber liquid around my glass and stared at it glumly. I knew what I said to Demi was out of line, but it was true. she had to hear the truth. And now, here I am with a handprinted cheek and a drink, a situation i've been in many times since I met Demi. I've fucked up a lot in our relationship.. more times than I really want to share, but I'll never forget the way she looked at me when she found out I had cheated on her.


"Wilmer?" I walked into the living room holding the beer i'd been nursing for the past hour.

"What's up nena?" She turned around and I saw the tears running down her face.

"Demi what happened?" She back up as I took a step towards her.

"Where were you last night?"

My gut clenched and I felt as through I'd been punched in the stomach by that simple question.

She knew. I don't know how, but she found out about the affair I'd been trying to keep from her for the past two months.


"No Wilmer. Tell me where you were last night."

I bowed my head, "You know the answer to that nena." She was silent for a moment, making me look up, another blow ripped open my heart.

My Demi, my sweet Demi was staring at me with an expression that i'd never seen before. Disappointment, shock, anger, sadness, horror, all the emotions a human could feel were in those chocolate brown eyes.

"How long?" Her voice cracked, but the tears didn't spill yet.

"Two months."

She inhaled sharply, "Why?"

That, I couldn't answer. So I told her the truth.

"I don't know."

For the first time, the anger i'd been waiting for leaked through.

"Was I not enough for you? Did I not suffice for your needs? Did you not forget what HAPPENED two months ago?" She got up and turned to leave.

"Demi... Wait please." She stopped and turned, but my hope was shattered at the expression on her face.

"Wait for what? For you to make another 'mistake'? Sorry Wilmer. But I don't have time for mistakes. Go back to your slut and I hope you two are very happy together."

End Flashback.

It'd taken months to get her to trust me again, I'd called and texted everyday until she finally agreed to talk to me. I'd apologized, and to my surprise she forgave me. But, since then she never spoke about the affair, or the disaster that caused it. I swore to her that I'd never drink again, even though she hadn't asked me to but I constantly broke that promise to this day. I stared down at my cup that I'd only taken a sip from, then sat it back down on the wood, laying with it a ten dollar bill. I've got to go back to Demi.


"Hermosa?" I called, as I stepped into the house. Surprisingly, my passcode worked. She usually locked me out for the night. That's when I knew something was wrong. I jogged up the stairs past Izzy's room and into the master suite. "DEMI?" I called again, then heard it. A sound I had grown familiar with over the past few years. It was Demi, crying.

"Baby?" I said again, in a gentle tone as I walked over to the bathroom door, "Demi let me in."

Another sob echoed through, "Go away Wilmer!"

I jiggled the handle, but it was locked. She hadn't had an incident like this since two years ago, the anniversary of the day we placed him in the ground.

"Demi let me in." I was now extremely concerned as more cries echoed through the doors. Frantically, I searched for the key and inserted it into the lock, then opened the door.

"GET OUT WILMER!" Her shout made me drop the key. The bathroom was steamy, and Demi sat in the shower, arms wrapped around her bare chest with an unmistakable glint of silver in her hand.

"Demi don't!" I yelled, and grabbed it out of her hand. She reached after her and punched my shoulder as I dropped it into the toilet and flushed it down the drain.

"You fucking asshole! Fuck you! Fuck you!" She yelled, and I wrapped her a bathrobe.

"Demi! Stop!"

To my surprise, it worked. She stopped yelling and punching me, but leaned into my chest, bawling as we slid down the wall onto the floor. I held her as she let out all of the feelings she'd been holding onto for the past ten years.


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