[69] Promise

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CHAPTER 69- Promise

Demi's POV 

        I woke up on Wilmer's chest, one of my legs thrown around his waist protectively. 

"Good morning mi angel." Wilmer murmured, stroking my hair. I sat up, keeping the sheets covering my chest and ran a hand through my hair. 

"Good morning." 

He sighed, "Are you okay? Did you dream again?" 

My shook my head, "I'm not okay. I never will be until she's back home. I'm always going to worry and dream and be completely terrified until she's safe in my arms." 

Wilmer rubbed my back, "I know, but she's going to come home eventually, I know her and I know she can't stay away from you. She needs you just as much as you need her if not more." 

I wiped at my face, brushing away the tears that dotted my cheeks, "That's not true. Ever since she was little I needed her, I leaned on her without her knowledge. She was my reason for living when things got tough in my recovery, in my sobriety. I don't think I would honestly be alive if it weren't for her."

Izzy's POV

        The sun shining onto my face was what I woke up to the next morning, Jake had his arm thrown over my waist lazily. His hair was a mess, sticking up in odd angles all over the place with a cute little pout on his face while he slept. I smiled a bit and leaned in, gently kissing his lips to wake him up. 

"Am I dreaming?" He asked, opening his eyes with a gentle smile. I giggled and shook my head. 

"Nope. I'm pretty real." 

Jake snuggled closer to me, "You're pretty too." 

I rolled my eyes and swatted the back of his head, "You're too cheesy." 

He pretended to be offended, "Cheesy? Me? Never." 

I smiled and sat up, stretching my arms out in front of me, "That was one of the best night's sleep I've ever gotten." 

He sat up next to me, "Same here. Being with you is always better." 

"Again, cheesy." 

He cocked an eyebrow, "You told me cheesy was cute. Am I not cute?" 

l squeezed his cheek and used a baby voice, "Adorable. Now let's get dres- I don't have any clothes." 

Jake raised an eyebrow, "You ran away without any clothes?" 

I sighed, "Well not exactly... I came here with my friend Pam. We stayed at her friends house and he had a party, the cops came and Pam told me to run, so I did." 

Jake shook his head, "Well you can wear my clothes today, we can get you new ones... Besides, I like it when you wear my clothes, you look cute." He walked into the closet and came back with a pair of his boxer shorts and a hoodie. 

"These should fit well enough. You need a cheeseburger." 

I bit my lip, I hadn't eaten in the past twenty-four hours, and I was ravenous, but something in me was holding back, my demons. 

"I'm not hungry." 

Jake sighed, "If you don't eat I'm calling your mom right now." 

My jaw dropped open, "You wouldn't." 

He raised an eyebrow and held up his phone, "You wanna bet?" 

I shot him a dirty look and grabbed the clothes, "Turn around." Jake nodded and looked at the wall as I stripped and pulled on the garmets. "Okay you're good." 

He smiled at the sight of me in apparel, then walked over to me and cupped my face. "You know I'd never hurt you or force you into things the way those guys did right?" I took a deep breath and nodded, I trusted him more than anyone. "Good." He sweetly kissed my lips then took my hand, "Let's go eat." 

We walked through the penthouse apartment into the kitchen where he cooked us both eggs, bacon, and potatoes. 

"Okay, dig in." I bit my lip and he sighed, "Izzy. Eat. Please, for me?" 

I picked up my fork and stabbed a piece of potato, trying not to mentally calculate the exact calories in it before pushing it into my mouth and mashing it to a pulp. I swallowed and let out a loud sigh, then continued until my plate was finished and my stomach was bursting. 

"I'm done." 

Jake nodded and took our plates to put them in the sink, then wrapped his arms around me. "I'm proud of you Iz, how about we take it easy and watch a movie?" I nodded grudgingly and allowed him to take me to the couch, just before we sat down Jake stood, "Hang on I gotta go to the bathroom, pick out a movie for us babe, okay?" My cheeks flushed at the affectionate nickname as he walked off and went to look at the movie rack. 

~*Jake's POV*~ 

        I snuck off to the terrace where I pulled out my phone and dialed Demi's number. I knew Izzy would kill me if she ever found I did this, but I know how much Demi loves her, and how hard she would be blaming herself right now. 


I stuttered a bit over my words, "Mrs. Lovato? T-This is Jake." 

Her tone instantly changed to one of annoyance, "I'n hanging up now." 

"Wait!" I pleaded, "I know where Izzy is." 

"Where?!" She asked, "Jake where is she oh my God." 

"I can't tell you. I just wanted you to know that she's completely safe, and that she'll be coming home soon she just needs to clear her head." 

"No Jake I want her home now I need you to tell me where she is-" 

"Mrs. Lovato, she's not in a good state of mind about you or really anything right now. I'm sorry but I can't tell you where she is. I need you to trust me, okay?" 

She took a long time to answer, I was just about to speak again when she finally spoke. 

"Okay. Just... Bring her home Jake. Please." 

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me, "I will.... I promise." 


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