[82] Fight

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CHAPTER 82- Fight

Izzy's POV 

        It was weird and awkward during the conversation with my mom, and I was really relieved when she left. It's not that I have anything against people who are gay, I'm just not one of them. I know my mom wasn't trying to assume anything but I've never really had a friend be so close to me. I was still texting Jake a lot and he was driving down here for the night tomorrow. I didn't know how to tell my mom. I mean, I know she'd be weird about us staying together so I was devising a plan to bur the lines a bit. The plan was for me to stay at Saffy's while Jake and I stayed in a hotel together. I knew he wasn't expecting a lot, but I was hoping by the time we went to bed, I could be able to give myself to him fully, without having a complete breakdown. 


        "So how are you today?" 

I sighed and sipped my coffee from Starbucks as my therapist sat down across from me, "Good." 

She surveyed me with a smile, "That's good. I haven't seen you in a long time. You gave your mom and dad quite a scare." 

I sighed, "I know that." 

She smiled, "You don't have to pretend in front of me you know. You can be open and honest and I can't tell your mom anything. Seriously, it's illegal. I know you want to get a few things off of your chest." 

I bit my lip, "I might be having sex with my boyfriend tomorrow." 

Kelly sat up straight, "And how long have you been seeing this boy?" 

I shrugged, "About eight months. He's one of the people who got me through what happened. I trust him. but I'm just scared. I don't want to get flashbacks of that night on my birthday while we're.... you know." 

She nodded, "That's completely understandable. But, if he's as understanding as you say, you will both get through it together and eventually the flashbacks will fade entirely. I know it's frustrating, but I think you should talk to your mom about it. She might be able to shed some light on it for you." 

I snorted and rolled my eyes, "How could she possibly help me? All she'd do is forbid me from going out with Jake." 

She shook her head, "You'd be surprised." 

        The rest of the therapy session went good, and as I met my mom in the car she smiled brightly at me. 

"How was it?" 

I shrugged, "Good." 

The rest of the car ride was silent, until we stopped at a red light and I glanced at my mom, wondering what Kelly meant by I'd be surprised how she could help me. My mom hadn't been throught anything like I had, except the after effects of the main event. Could she help me at all? Or was this some ploy by m,y therapist for me not to have sex with Jake? 

"What are you staring at?" My mom asked with a small smile as we waited for the light to turn green. 

I hesitated, "Nothing... Just something my therapist said that kinda stuck with me." 

My mom's hands gripped the wheel tighter, "What exactly did she say?" Her voice was wavering and I furrowed my brow. 

"Just that you would be able to help me with the flashbacks... Or that you could just help me not to freak out when I was being...." I cleared my throat, "Intimate with someone." 

My mom's head snapped up, "Who the hell are you having sex with?" 

I shook my head, "No one! I mean eventually I'm going to and I don't want to look like a freak!" 

She rolled her eyes, "That's why you do it with someone who loves you unconditionally! Not some high school crush who moved away and you only see every other weekend!" 

I snorted, my temper at it's end, "Really? I've seen the articles, mother. I bet even some porn stars would blush at your past." 

She turned to me with such an angry expression that I shrunk back in my seat a bit, never seeing this sort of emotion in her eyes before, "You will not speak to me like that Isabella. I don't know what has gotten into you but you are grounded. I have never been so disgusted in my life at something that has come out of your mouth and I never though I'd hear those words spoken from my own daughter." 

We drove home in silence. The second she pulled into the driveway she got out and slammed the car door, practically running into the house with my following her. 

"What's wrong?!" My dad shouted, and I heard him run after him, "What happened Demi?!" 

Their bedroom door shut and I walked up stairs to me room, as I passed their door which was open slightly from being slammed so hard, I could hear my mom crying hysterically and my dad trying to console her. I felt a guilty ache in my heart, but shook my head, and walked into my room, laying on my bed with a sigh.

This is why I don't go to therapy.  


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Next Update: Saturday


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